Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I have my formal dress!

yesterday Hodo, trisha, sue-moo, vivianos and i went to the city in order to buy ourselves a formal dress!!

There were lots of nice dresses but they were too expensive and then we saw some of the most ugliest things known to mankind. Yet they are also the most expensivest things known to mankind. Makes no sense! LOLS

Anyways there was this really nice dress in myer and i really wanted it but they didn't have my size! all too big.

We also went to sugar fix and hodo and trisha spend like $12-13 on jelly bellys!! each!! and hodo couldn't get over it, it was consuming her just like she was consuming them. You may wonder why i didn't get any, because i knew it would cost alot and i will go abit crazy with it and overbuy. HAHA!

Anyways when we went to parramatta because it was soo unsuccessfully expensive in the city, there were so many more dresses and such!!
HODO! would not stop looking at shoes, i mean she hadn't even bought the dress yet and she was googling over shoes. haha!

Anyways i bought my dress at parra! and yes its very casual not so much formal but then all the formal stuff looked so plain on me and also made me appear FAT FAT FAT!! OH MY!!

When we went to myer at parra, the dress i wanted was there and IN MY SIZE!! but by then i had already bought my dress. But i guess its ok because that NICENICENICE dress made my ass look big and frankly it looks so much more better on a mannequin than say a human. LOL

Anyways by the end of the day my feet were on FIREEE!!
when i sat down i could feel the soles of my feet burning, probably from relief! hahaha

I have also finished my english speech but now, its too long!!!

damnit! LOL



okay hodan said...

i'd rather work backwards... buy the shoes then find a dress that suits them lol. it's easier me thinks, for me anyway.

Annie said...

frobro u ain't even online!

oo icsics haha
find the shoes and find the dress that suits interesting haha
i dislike shoe shopping haha

jkylk said...

Photo! Photo! Show us your dress!! =D Wear it and show us in a photo! =D

My mouse is ruined. I spilt a honey drink all over it, now the click part is all sticky!! T-T

Annie said...

lol nooo
to show! ohgosh im too lazy LOL!
HAHAHA ur poor honeymouse o_O :O

Joseph Fongdara said...

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