Tuesday, December 23, 2008

work work and work and work and work and more work and ... well play doesn't fit in here anywhere.

- --+❤ oh darling says:
lmfao i feel like blogging again
desperately seeking... says:
about what?

- --+❤ oh darling says:
i feel like blogging again ahah
renegade. says:
LOL about?

Geebus talk about frobro and trishy saying the same thing!

Am i really that uninteresting that i won't have anything to blog about? well i shall blog about something interesting then!! AHEM AHEM!

This is some serious backlash from all that complaining i did at this time last year about not having a job! now i'm like overworked!

Soo overworked that i have to tell everyone about ALL THESE WORK DREAMS I'VE BEEN HAVING!!!

So last night i had a mini nightmare of being at work and every customer asking me "IS THERE A DISCOUNT ON THESE?" and i kept dreaming of signs saying "$8.03" yesh i know very random, maybe its supposed to mean something but i doubt. Then there were ants everywhere and they started attacking me while i was at my register. I think this dream proves that i'm becoming some sort of workaholic! My life is revolving around work and its TERRIBLY SAD!

So anyways i was thinking of doing a video blog but it was epic fail. I found out i was terrible uninteresting on video, i mumble a bit and my mouth looks awfully ridiculous when i talk. Video blogs are hard, you need to have set topics to video blog and frankly i just spit out anything in a blog. So maybe i'll try later. Or let laziness overcome me and not.

Just then trishy asked how do we become interesting because right now we are just as interesting as a carpet, which isn't that fascinating. So i replied, well we do stuff and we don't work so much. Which made me realise OMG once we finish uni and go into full time jobs we will be at the most uninteresting moment of our life. Which is pretty sad because i've lived my life to the fullest of interestingness and for all of it to stop seems lifeless altogether. =(

Oright i'm hitting extremely boring right now.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

I am stillll breathing!

Seriously how many of my post have the title "i'm alive" or whatever connotation referring to my aliveness. It really just shows how lazy i get these days and how inactive i become.

Anyways i'm blogging because dearest frobrother asked me why i didn't blog anymore and told me i should blog. So here i am.

Well right now i have no traces of a social life, i've basically just been living at work. Since i'm working everyday, it can feel like i've never left. I wake up and find myself at work .. oh how did i get here ... LOL

I also honestly feel like i am getting dumber by the day, i'm like so slow and my vocab is slowly deteriorating soon i will only be able to use really simple words. Actually i feel like i'm doing that now =.= damn what happened to the annie blogger from year 10 oh thats right she got in trouble for blogging. I'm sure most people would know what i'm talking about hahaha

I need to be really pissed off to write an intelligent blog, like it unlocks some sort of midget working inside my brain and well its the smart midget!

let's think of something funny to recall....

ahahaha funny, the only thing that comes to my head is work situations =.= i told you i have no social life.

OHH! i finally got my P's, yes finally. It took me like 3 years, geez talk about taking your time annie! Anyways i used an instructors car and the brake and the accelerator pedals are very sensitive! which is really weird because its a toyota just like our car so i was really confuzzled when i was speeding almost all the time even though i had barely pushed down on the accelerator. BTW i was speeding like 1 or 2 km, i wasn't like drag racing around the city of blacktown, however i bet that often happens at night anyways, so nothing special.
So yeah when we first started the driving test i pushed down on the brake and i almost flew the instructor out of the damn front window because i was attempting to push down softly but alas that only causes the car to continue moving at a merciful pace. So i had to just fully push down and that made the car go HALT!!! Anyways i think i know why! the car probably didn't have ABS! for shame car, for shame. So yeah the test went relatively smoothly then i forgot that one of my turning lights were on ... omg i'm soo nontechnical with the terms "turning lights", oh yes totally. So yeah it was clicking away but because it was a relatively new car and the aircon was on very high i couldn't hear the clickyness!!!! so i was off in my own happy world thinking all was well then i realised oh shit blinker light is on =.= oh damn ... now lets turn it off in an unsuss way .. *click* .. yeah i'm sure he didn't notice that =.= .

But then i passed and i had this ... feeling of joy and lightness. Seriously i have never been so relieved. OH i just felt so great. LOl

Okay i'm tired and obviously this blog is seriously wtf. LOL



Friday, November 21, 2008


So yesterday i finished my exams!! which means i finished my first year of uni. which means i survived the wretched monster. LOL!!

God i hate uni!

So now i have a godzillion movies and series to go through and im soooo excited just to sit back and enjoy some then maybe do something productive. LOL not sure.


However my last exam yesterday wasn't too great. You see they gave us a ton of sample questions and they also gave us questions that were possible questions. Then they hinted alot towards those questions and i have to say this was probably some evil uni lecturers scheme or something because when we got into the exam. The questions were complete opposites to those sample and possible questions meaning all that hardcore study on those damn questions was useless and it was up to our creative minds to make up some masterful bs. And bs i did! So hopefully my bs sounded good enough and they'll give me the marks so i can pass omg!! PASS PLEASE PASS! i don't want to fail anything =.= eww.

So yes prior to exams i was basically living in the uts library. I know i don't go to uts but i still lived there! LOL i bought myself a library associates card ahaha so i can have unlimited swipey access. If you've been to the uts library you'll know what i mean by swipey. But similarly you can still guess. LOL
what am i talking about. no idea.


Anyways so i'll just display some photos =) ITS BEEN A LONG TIME AND I REALLY MISS PHOTO TAKING AND SUCH. So yeah. need to take more!

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jess typing away on her laptop!

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so studious ahhaa

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random journals ...

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a sea of blue!

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glamour shot ... LOLOLOL

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i like this photo ... the focus is nice =)

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such a colourful library!

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this is called library grass. LOL!

alrighty! till next time which i hope will be soon =)


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Friday, October 31, 2008

Joshua Galbraith

Yesterday my friend Josh was killed in a head on collision with a ute and a trailer.

He was only 18 and had so much life ahead of him. Only first year in uni!

ahhh im just so upset. Because i was going to see him today and we were going to collect our group assignment! omg. This is soo sudden and just depressing.

It is just going to be a chunk out of my life, like in the future at uni, i wont even see him anymore in classes that i would see him.

I really don't know what to say, i just remember all the fun times at uni, during marketing whenever we got free stuff, he would take a whole bunch and stuff it in his bag which was quite funny. We used to always go out and eat to and he was the only friend i had during the late night 6-8 law tutorials. He always talked about funny things and said funny things out loud during lectures that was absolutely hilarious!

All i know is that i will miss him.


I will miss you my friend.
                                                      Joshua Galbraith

04/12/1989 - 30/10/2008
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Monday, October 27, 2008

it seems i've only been blogging only due to unhappiness

sooo .. im just going to keep it up
as a nice little trend.

Yeah so you might want to know why im just that little bit annoyed and angry well i don't know really. Frankly im in a confused little pit and whatever i do isn't really helping the situation so hopefully if i leave it alone, let it sort itself out then maybe it will all be cool. Then if not i don't know what to do and frankly at the moment in time i couldn't give a flying ... frock.

Anyways yesterday i worked for 8 hours, i know thats pretty epic for me. Seeing as though i usually work for a maximum of 4 hours so really the doubling was fantastical.
However im sure everyone remembers it was hot as crap! and our store being this shed like thing and being open for the last bajillion years, has retarded air con. So everytime it gets just a tinge hot and when we actually are in desperate need for the air-con the little shit just breaks on us. Also considering how we have a tin roof .... well ... lets put it this way... its like shoving the tin man from the wizard of oz into an oven and seeing how well he goes with it. YEAH THATS RIGHT all his little insides would melt and his outside would be like a coating of hot tar. So yes, i was roasting in my own workplace and turning a wonderful shade of tomato. I bet they sell the shade as a dulux paint. Okay off topic.  Anyways after that long in the same place you really start to become stoned because of the general environment. So by the end of the day i was like a zombie, hot and pissed off! owell! at least i get paid for it!

Hmm anyways i dont have anything else to complain about for the time being soo ...


The day was hideous though ... it was sooo windy outside! there were cats blowing in the wind! and it was rainy and gross so i stayed home the whole day doing gay stuff like my assignment which was due the day after! ooph! what a crappy day!

OKay! enough!!


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Sunday, October 19, 2008

very hot day once again

AHH it was so hot today!

and a not very good day either!

Seriously the air con died at work today and well ... everyone died with it! it was cooler outside! it was like being a chip inside an oven with all your other chip friends and complaining about the heat then slowly roasting away. LOL!

Anyways luckily i got the best fan, its this metal one and its pretty much the only one that gives sufficient fanage ( oh that word looked funny LOL) but yes whilst my friend across from me got the crappy fan that ... well im not exaggerating on this but you stick your hand on it and you still wont be able to feel any air fanning out. Its a terrible fan! i had it the other day and i thought it was just dust so i attempted to clean it but nope it was just a shitty lame excuse for a fan!

SO yeah everyone was majorly buggered at work today and even the customers were complaining about the heat asking us how work in such conditions. It really makes me fear summer and how hot and oveny its going to get.

Anyways then there was this customer who was very aggressive towards me and really wanted her flybys points and most probably would've killed me if it didn't scan properly what not. and yeah it was refusing to scan and she was being all know it all telling me how i needed to suspend it and im like =.= because i knew i didnt have to to get the flybys to work. SO LIKE WHATEVER. and the husband was getting real pissed off telling her to stop nagging. they had about 3 mini arguments =.= i dont know how he lives with her!

so yeah

it was hot
and yeah
it aint the shit.
it is shit. LOL

so made my day rather pooped.

Then i come home and theres no freaking food
and whatveer. i haven't even had dinner or lunch!
SO REALLY IM SURVIVING ON ... WELL MINTIES LOL! and random junk that i've randomly eaten due to hunger pangs that cause me to lunge at whatever is near me and eat it.

and i really haven't had anyone to chatter to today! yeah thank you friends LOL . so here i am blogging ... really more like venting.

Yerp. lol how sad



Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, October 3, 2008

oh gosh the heat


it is so freaking hot.

Anyways i had a stats exam today and my god it was hot. So really alot of people were swearing out loud whilst doing the exam. LOl quite funny

Anyways i don't know why im blogging now
but i think whenever im a little bit annoyed i like to spit our some blog posts from the inner depths of my angry brain.

So yeah i have to go to work soon to work for 3 hours and i am most likely going to be the greeter who stands there and welcomes people into the shop by smiling nicely and being bored out of my brain. Then after those 3 hours i can come home and shower power and eat a late dinner.


And right now im pretty buggered so people walking into the shop are just gonna see my angry face glaring at them when i'm most probably out of it and thinking angry thoughts in my head which are unintentionally reflecting onto my face. So yeah.

the heat is pissing me off too ... its too stuffy! it makes me feel like im living inside a jar.

And certain people or should i say persons are making me annoyed too and its really making my mood into a puddle of muddy shit. So yeah.

Hmm i just felt like i had to vent abit in order to get some fresh cooler thoughts into my head.

fooooo okays.

Whatver i need to get to work soon


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wild Child

Annie is such a bludger!

I have an exam tomorrow and well instead of studying today i went to uni to hand in my assignment then i went out and had lunch at the city and watched wild child with my homies!!!

Surprisingly that movie is much better than angus, thongs and perfect snogging! It was really funny and i spent most of the time laughing and hitting cyn because it was funny =.= poor cyn.

As you can tell ... we are running out of movies to watch!! so we are going about watching teen movies but hey it was a good movie!

Anyways so we met up for lunch and can i just say today was a horrendously hot day! i don't like to be hot and sweaty because its kinda gross =.=.

Also when we saw anita we couldn't recognise her haha! she was wearing thongs and waddling like a duck because she can't walk properly in flat shoes =.= like omg! seriously we were like why are you walking like that?!! Then on the platform we were looking at her weird toes. her 2nd toe is bigger than her 1st toe and then the 3rd toe is bigger than the 2nd toe so really her toes just looked funny and elongated!

So yeah then jess was late because she forgot her wallet so we met her at town hall then went to a restaurant called palace chinese restaurant i think and omygosh it was pretty packed and fobbed out! The people there spoke in thick fob! LOL it was funny to listen too hahas
So yeah we ordered a fat bunch of food and chowed down on the yum cha.

After about 30 mins we were already full so we got lovely desert and it was all basically mango stuff!! WOO FOR MANGOES! LOL

Then afterwards anita wanted to make a quick dash to myer to buy these miss shop shoes that jess has ... which she bought at forever new because basically its the same shoe with different branding! absolutely everything of the shoe is the same including the inner lining and what not. When we got there she looked at the gold miss shop shoe and said something that offended jess ... which i can't remember. But jess's facial expression was so funny ! cyn and i were like oh uh .. ohh shes not looking at you now! shes not happy! and yeah then jess started doing the glare at me! NO IDEA WHY! i didn't do nothing!

Anyways then while anita was getting this shirt she bought she sent us off to buy a birthday card for her friends 21st that she is going to tonight ... well right now. And yeah we wasted time doing that and almost missed our movie!

After that we dashed to the cinema and seriously ... when i got there i was just this puddle of sweat!

Then we got into the cinema and the movie had already started and i think for about 5 or 10 minutes already so we missed the start
i didn't think it would be that great of a movie i thought it would be average. Maybe i'm just childish but i really enjoyed it!


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YAY bonnie and sharon! [BARON] LMAO!

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JESS AND ANNIE [JANICA] =.= she doesn't like my camera ...

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Artistic shot for the day ahaha

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but candid! LOL
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Financial Crisis

So everyone knows of the financial crisis that is going on and the dramatic impact its having on everyone!

Can i say it is very epic! LIKE OMG i remember just last year in economics when we were discussing about oh how great the economy is going and everything and how everything is in major boomage. Well! this year its sorta just all gone downhill, especially with the financial crisis, i can't imagine how interesting it would be to be doing economics this year for hsc! !!! wahh =.= i feel so nerdy just thinking about that hahas!

To be honest .... the financial crisis is pretty scary because it means everyone will be affected. Like last year, choosing an accounting or finance major was a MARVELOUS IDEA because there will always be jobs around but come this year when your actually doing your major, you might have a few doubts wondering if the market will ever stop fluctuating and go back to being steady. However im sure it will in time. And at the start of the year working at macquarie bank seemed totally awesome! well now that i think of it ... if i did have the job i would be wondering if i would have still kept it by now! its pretty scary.

Now everyone is blaming everyone else for the crisis but really i dont understand how it all started? one moment we were fine, australian dollar depreciating abit but next moment ohhhhh we are in a financial crisis ... the population of america is going to become homeless because all their banks have become bankrupt and no one has no money anymore because a mysterious wave of debt has swept across america. And the rest of the world will follow suit! LOL

Which is true ... you see ... without that much needed rescue package that the american government is not giving to the banks. It means banks will not loan to other banks or businesses or anything because of the fear that whoever they loan to will collapse. This means they have a shortage of funds and are unable to loan to everyday people and everyday businesses. Without much needed funds to run their business the business is unable to pay workers or their bills and thus ... equaling more unemployment and more unemployment equaling less spending and less spending equaling less production of goods and services. Also less spending meaning less importing of goods from overseas. So really everyone else gets affected because ... well lets face it americans consume a shitload of crap and we need them to import and consume our crap! but with no money how can they?
and yeah then the world ends.
So really this financial crisis if your think of it from an economic perspective is pretty scary.

However the RBA is lowering interest rates and that is all great and stuff but it really just reflects the state of our economy which is not a good one. Our australian dollar has also depreciated substantially meaning .. buying overseas goods are now back to being expensive!

And if i were a person with shares right now i'd be dying. LOL!

but the best thing you can do is not sell your shares =.= if you do your really just fueling the financial crisis and being an idiot because if everyone had just kept their shares we wouldn't be in such an awesome mass of debt! if everyone just hung in there it wouldn't be so bad. So really keep onto your shares because you know, the shares will go back up in time and im not saying instantly but they will because thats how the market is ... it can fluctuate and that was a risk you understood when buying your shares. So don't back out now and fuel our crisis! keep your shares and help it.

So yeah i was just overcome by economic boredom.


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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Your light is ultraviolet.

So today i went out with trishy and we watched Angus, thongs and perfect snogging. Only because we read the book during high school and was highly amused by it. And i must say the movie is just as funny! HOWEVER in a super teenage way, so at times we felt a bit stupid! And like a bunch of old noobs. Because it was about 14 year olds and they were pretty dramatic at times which was very much like omg! because we were like uhh .... your 14! STOP BEING SO DRAMATIC! LOL

Anyways then we went shopping and it was pretty fun!! because it was actually clothes i like looking at so i was very amused hOHOHOHOHOH!

I've had a very eventful, able it bludgy and full of fun week!

yesterday i went out with quan and we watched WALL-E!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
IT IS SUCH A GOOD MOVIEEE!! it was so funny and it had alot of meaning too ... like telling us humans to stop being lazy blobs and producing so much non degradable waste! such as plastic LMAO! Anyways it was really cute and absolutely fantastic and everyone should watch it!
i also got a wall-e toy because of the wall-e drink i bought hoho! i was so amused! ahh i get amused too easily =.= by kiddy things ... tsk annie!!

Anyways the day before that omg! went out shopping with jess! LMAO its just always with one person! i sound like im going on dates ahhahas!

So yeah we went to chatswood to shop! i know ... so far! but it was alot of fun! and we found lots of clothes that were too expensive to buy so it was only half successful i guess?
chatswood = great for window shopping! not so great for buying .. especially if your a poor uni student.

So yeah ... my break is ending in like 2 days =.= so sad! i wish i had a two week break like other people! ITS SO UNFAIRRR !!

im bored! and i want that song from the angus, thongs and perfect snogging movie!! SOMEONE DOWNLOAD AND GIVE IT TO ME!!!
Stiff dylans - ultraviolet. THANK U THANK U!


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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the tumble of my life!

ohkay so i just fell down my stairs in a dramatic and extremely tumble-dry style fashion.

So i was getting the sleeping bag for my dad, which he uses like a blanket for him to nap. So yeah lalalaa rushing down the stairs and OOP i was like OH SHIT LOST BALANCE =.= and in my head i was like oh great oh crap!

And yerp down i went ... tumble tumble and admist the tumbling i got caught in the giant sleeping bag so that thing was like wrapped around me so i had no idea where i was going or how much more stairs to go! SO YEAH tumble mania really! very scary! then through tumbling i saw abit of the stairs and well ... my head was facing the bottom of the stairs so yes it was like *BASHBASHBASH HERE AND THERE*. Then finally i landed at the bottom of the stairs to see my dad who was sitting there with a gaping hole of a mouth and going "OHMYGOD".

But anyways after seeing that he said i scared him so much that he was no longer sleepy. LMAO!!

Then afterwards i think i must've hit my head abit too hard because i kept laughing hysterically for the next 5 minutes and sounding abit insane. OOPH!

These stairs cause me lots of trauma!

So to date! the major stacks i've had down my stairs!

Once when i stacked it really badly that i did something to me foot, causing it to swell to about double its size and develop a shade of purple.

Then another time i stacked it face forward!!! right into the wall at the middle of the stairs and it totally scratched my glasses to the point where i needed to get new ones and also placed a dent in the wall. I also had a splitting headache for the rest of the day!! i hit my head too hard.

my shoulder hurt so i just took a look at it and i have this big piece of skin just hanging off it and exposed raw flesh! GREAT ANNIE JUST GREAT! gosh! your intelligence just astounds me! can't even walk down some stairs!

anyways i've stacked it down my stairs about 10 bajillion times. Which isn't cool at all, actually kinda painful. And scary! i dont want a swollen purple foot again! NOT COOL!

On another note ....

I went to uni today and it was hideously boring and it went on till 8.

It was also rather chilly and i spent a lot of time in the computer labs wasting my sweet time. LOL!


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, September 15, 2008

lots of work

Because i am bored and have lots of work to do, i will blog. Just to waste time i shouldn't be wasting.


So yes today tonight seems to like to talk on and on about this whole adopt a pensioner scheme they have and how the pension payment they get is far too less to live off.

I completely disagree!! they get around $270 a week!!! okay and considering they are pensioners they probably already own their own home but even if they didn't they would get extra rental payments from the government anyways!
And the fact is you aren't gonna spent $200 bucks on groceries in a week.
I'd say u'd spent about $50 on groceries? okay 50-80. So after that you still got about $200! LIKE HELLO? and okay lets say you drive a granny car. Now petrol a week would also be around $50. So adding all that up you would still have about $150 left! and look the pensioners were complaining about not being able to go out and always cooped up at home living the poor life. Honestly! where does your money go? hello! and i understand theres bills to pay at the end of the month and such but cmon if you save about $20-25 a week you can have that covered at the end of the month too! so really in my head i say quit whining and complaining about how less money you get from the pension because i just believe its more than enough. And if you can't survive off it maybe get your priorities straight and stop going to bingo so much or something! Seriously there was people on there saying ohh i have no monies to put food on the table SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HECK? whats the first thing your gonna spend your money on? food obviously .. you need that to survive! SO I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU CAN NOT HAVE MONEY FOR FOOD! WHERE DOES YOUR $270 GO EACH WEEK? are u digesting it? or maybe they are all just addicted to crack LOL!

Anyways really people just need to budget.

I had something else to blog about but i completely forgot.

Work is so hot and humid because i dont think we have aircon? so the inside is pretty much hotter than the outside. Actually same temperature if it weren't for the windyness of outside really.

Mid sem break is coming and its making me slack off from uni work. So really im like laaa laaa
*watches movies and dramas and anything else she can watch so as to not do any work*.

okay whatever i can't remember now and forcing myself to remember is like going backwards.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today was dragged out to the city by jess because she baked some cookies for me that spells my name.
However when i got them they were sorta just a mooshy bunch of has been letters.

So yeah in the morning ... we had a power outage????? like what? and we had one last night aswell?? SO WEIRD! so it totally killed my tv viewing .. and last night i was like :O OMG!!! because it was such a sunny day and there was no natural disaster happening outside so the fact there was a blackout was just weird.

And this mornings one i went out about 30mins after the blackout and i found that it the traffic lights had no power either! so it was like mayhem!! it was so scary! cars all going at the same time .... i was scared an accident was going to happen or something! Anyways then the power went back on and i was like *phewphew*

Yerp so went to city ... met with jess .. who was wearing all purple with some hideous purple stockings! OH GOD! i wanted to disown her as a friend ... they were scary! So yerp after getting over the hideousness of her stockings we went to menya to eat. And i didn't end up eating because i wasn't too hungry however jess despite being a pig, she still fed me LOL her miso soup! HAHAHA and some of her rice and eel thing? yeah. Eels are scary.

Yerp then after that we headed to UTS library and jess went to look for her books whilst i studied.

After that went to meet up with mel and we were meant to meet with kylie too but noo!! she dogged us!!! to meet with her bf!! =.= so we were like fine kylie!!  finneee

Anyways then we walked around and found manal and this guy which ... i never got the name of :O!! and he was buying a suit and omg so funny! he tried on a black suit then the lady showed a nice stripey brown suit and he was like =O "OHHHHHH" LMAO it was soooo hilarious!! and yeah he tried it on and got it ... woopee for him! LOL it was very entertaining for us too!

Then we went to cotton on and jess bought a whole bunch of clothes and i bought one and mel bought none ... LOL! yerpp .... then after that i went home.

And on the train i saw quan and he got himself a lovely haircut! and yeah its all asian and cool style! HOHO! awesome!!! but they didn't cut the back so the second it grows ... he's gonna have this mullet ... =.= eww mullet LMAO!!

orighty thats all for today homies!!!


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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One hectic week later and annie is still breathing!


So yes last week was some serious hectic business right there!

And im pleased to say today marks the end of it! i've handed in that hideous 3000 word essay which hopefully i did well in, i mean i spent weeks on that darn thing! And i feel like i've covered all things possible, so lets just hope i did. =D and the lovely trishy and hodo also helped me with it! by reading it over and correcting my stupidity! wooots!

Anyways this week is much calmer but i still have 2 quizzes to do, actually i have 2 quizzes to do every single week! pretty annoying to tell the truth but ohwell. Then i've got the participation journal to write which is also a weekly thing!! its like a lame reflective essay a week =.= retardation. Hmm what else ... the usual homework questions yerp yerp thats not too bad i guess. Then ... oh gotta do law homework =.= oh im such a failure at law! its so hard! WHYY *cries* LOl! okay im not really crying. but yeah!

Moving on from uni!

So yesterday went out with quan and we ate at pepper lunch!!!

He got salmon whilst i got curry chicken and its on these hot plates. So you get this plonk of rice (okay plonk is a bad description, makes it sound unappealing.... lets say a pretty upside down bowl of rice) and inside the rice is a flavoured butter o_O? and around ur rice is ur pieces of meat. Anyways theres like this paper thing wrapped around the hot plate to stop not so intelligent people from burning themselves ... *ahem* quan. anyways! On the paper it says to mix your food fast fast!!! the waiter also tells you to mix quickly before the hot plate cools down ... but yeah quan must've seriously failed at mixing because when the waiter came with my curry chicken food thing, he looked at quans one and was like uhh and then he gave me a mini tutorial on how to mix and basically half mixed mine for me! MUAHAHHA!! so i got some awesome flavoured rice and chicken! lucky me!

Then i was absolutely bloated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god! i was bursting ... at the seams! on my stomach ... o_O? And we bought cake beforehand at 85 degrees aswell! So we decided to head for uts tower and we went to one of the upper levels and saw the awesome view and ate our lovely cakes =D YAY! Seriously the view is quite :O phenomenal ... however the windows were a bit dirty so the city looked like it was polluted by black specks of dried rain ... yes.

Also the uts tower elevators are really scary! its so dark inside with very minimal lighting, theres only lighting on the sides so none in the middle so it was quite eerie and scary. It just brought back memories of the grudge! like i could imagine her appearing out of the floor of the elevator or something my gosh.

Yerp then after that we went to catch the train =D YAY LMAO

Now what did i do today?

i went to uni and i went to a lecture which had about 5 people in it! seriously this giant lecture room designed to fit about 200 people had 5 people in it and the lecturer was like =.="" and she stood around waiting for people to turn up .... but obviously everyone was elsewhere hurriedly doing their essays lol!

The tutorial was not the same oh no, everyone was there! to hand in their essays ahaha!

Then we had to go through the homework and no one had done it!!! i had done it ... but i wasn't prepared to shout to the world about how i had done my homework and be stuck as the only person answering all the questions so yeah i was just like ....  hmm *keeps quiet* LOL!

Anyways yerp then after that i went home ... wooo! jolly home!

I worked on sunday and it wasn't too bad... actually i was hoping it was abit more busier but yeah it was alright i guess. I love being productive! WOO!!



Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

yes yes im still alive geebus.

Yeah i know i haven't blogged for about 3 weeks! but its no reason to assume my death!

i'm sorry but there really hasn't been anything fascinating going on!

Theres been alot of uni work however ... yeahh but i guess thats never ending!!

I have this 3000 word essay which, if your on my msn list would have heard me complaining about it since the start of the semester. But itsokay people! my complaining will cease in 2 weeks as thats when its due =) so until then! bare with me!

Lets try and recount my days ....

Yesterday i went out to city after uni to meet quan and yeah we ended up going to uts library to study for a while since he had a bunch of work. Then we decided to go watch tropic thunder! lOL! lots of random funny bits in it but not that fantastical of a movie. So prolly best to get on dvd and watch ahahah! Then after that and all that popcorn we weren't hungry for dinner so we hung about then went home. =)

Also i've made some awesome uni friends!! they are fun omg!! they make tuesday uni life much more bareable i must say! as for the other 3 days of uni .. meh meh. OKay friday is pretty alright too cus theres josh and he says random funny things lOL! he seems to lead a life outside of uni! ... because you see most of the uni friends i have they only talk about uni and thats pretty sad. I mean i already don't like the fact im in uni in a boring lecture and yet to hear about someone talking about all the lovely work they have to get done whilst in uni is seriously uncool and i question whether they have a life outside of uni. LOL!

Okay then on monday i stayed home and did a whole bunch of work! so now im on track again, sorta. Actually after today not anymore! its funny how one day goes past and suddenly u get dumped on the head with a bunch of work. GAY! =.=

Then on sunday went to the library with cyn and jess! and we studied our little asses off at state. Jess and i bought laptops to do our essays and i must say 1000 words down on that 3000 word essay! AND IT FREAKING FEELS GOOD HOMIES! Anyways library net kept stuffing up! so whilst trying to research for my management participative journal it was =.=! and i had to stop then try and reconnect then get frustrated then stare into the distance and find everyone elses net was working!!! so jess and i have concluded it was where we were sitting and it was probably a very bad net point. LMAO NET POINT! wireless point? not sure. but yeah! so we won't be sitting  there again! good oh.

Saturday i worked and found i had no shifts this week =.= arrgh work sucks again because of this shiftlessness. So yeah! on the hunt for a new job again! GOD WHY DO I SUCK SO MUCH =.=!! ARGHHH there must be something wrong with me. OKay
so job suggestions anyone?

anyways thats about it and i'll keep everyone updated! cus im cool like that. LOL yeah i just gayed myself out there.

Also! last wednesday jess and i took sticker photos on this new machine
which is totally awesome!
so i'll post the cool photos AHAHAHS

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, August 7, 2008

annie is

good again.


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

annie is.

really annoyed and frustrated.

hmm. *sigh*

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, August 2, 2008

After the First week ... I WANT HOLIDAYS!

So, i knew this was coming!
i knew that after the first week i would be crying for the holidays to come!!

I've had a very full week of uni!
i went almost everyday except friday.

Monday was business law and i like the lecturer he seems to know what he is going on about so yeah its good!

Then tuesday was managing people at work and the lecturer was a new lecturer i guess shes okay but i don't know i didn't really know what she was saying half the time because she'd sometimes fall into a mumble. Then i'd be completely lost.

Anyways i have a 3000 word essay for that *sigh* how awful. I hate uni! rahhh!
Then after that was the business law tutorial and that was okay, made a new friend called nathan lols. And we complained about our crappy timetables, yerp it helps us get through, bitching about our inconveniences.

In between managing people and business law tute i had like a 2 hour break! soo productive =.= i sat around bored as anything! doing absolutely nothing! I attempted to be productive by reading some lecture slides but yeah i only got so far then got lost because i didn't have the textbook yet to sort of ... redefine the emphasize some of the really simple or no explanations.

Then i went on msn and bludged from there on. LOL!

On wednesday was statistics for business and the lecturer has some freaky smile. HE IS LIKE MWEEEEEEEEEE *SMILES*. The sides of his mouth are fighting his ears for the space! its such a big smile and he talks and smiles so its kinda creepy in a way. Not very reassuring. Anyways i had no idea what he was talking about all throughout that lecture!!! i couldn't understand him! and this is mathematical stuff so i feel truly screwed for it! Anyways he informed us that our workshop will now be changed to 5-6pm on fridays! just fantastical =.= gosh! what a way to end the week at 6pm!

Yerp and then after that we went home yerp! lols

Then thursday was lovely management dynamics! (there was sarcasm there) and yerh the assignment isn't too bad, reflections on the lecture, which i guess makes u have to go to the lecture! ahhas.

The lecture was like a history lesson, i learnt so much about the past and some space shuttle blowing up and all the people inside dying and some other big aircraft crashing and everyone being injured or something because someone forgot to close the door =.=.

Anyways the tutorial was boring too because it was like a class discussion of whether or not you would lie about sales figures to save someones job. I would not, because if you did then how are you to solve such problems? and there will be consequences to your actions. Anyways this guy and this girl kept arguing over their opposing views, the guy was like i'll give him this chance and then i will tell him, next time i won't! LOL and the girl was like how can you do that, the manager might be testing your morals! blah blah blah and it went on like some argument.

Anyways we had this hideous 3 hour break so we bludged, went to the cafeteria, ate then sat around some more then we went to subway and watched our friends eat
LMAOLMAO! such a productive 3 hours i tell you!

Yerp then that day ended! and omg i had my laptop and the net finally worked at uni. So yeah started webcamming with jess and showed her our lovely uni lecture room during our break ahhas !

Anyways then on friday went out with quan, i went to his uni and sat in his lecture lOL! i had no idea what was going on! i was never good at science and it was about chemistry and phonons and bonding and what not. There were some freaky equations and then  right there and then i was like wow im so glad i dont do any form of science or engineering or else it would be an epic fail for me. LOL!
I felt like an intruder and completely out of place! everyone was so concentrative and like oh yes yes hmm i know what im doing and i was like *sits there* and quan kept asking me if it was interesting and how its not that bad is it. LOL! but yeahh i guess it wouldn't be so bad if i knew what was going on.
The guy also had this flamethrower which he kept using, he used it for like 5 experiments, which weren't really all too fascinating but yeah .... ITS A FLAMETHROWER CMON!

Then after that we didn't know what to do so wondered about and went to capitol where quan attempted to get this milk toy! and it was so evil! it was just like *BLOB* *refuses to move towards the hole* LOLOL! so yeah gave up on that and we ended up in galaxy world. Then jess called and said she was going to meet us in like an hour. So i was like okay!

So we went shopping and i made him try on this shirt! A COLOURFUL SHIRT AHHA totally un engineery like! then he made me try on shorts because he couldn't find a skirt! MUAHAHHAs. i didn't have to be subjected to a skirt! woo! anyways then i checked my phone and find 7 missed calls from jess =.= and i was like oh shit oops. So i called her and she was at the station and the train was coming in 2 mins then she got on the train =.= and i was like omggg.. LOL! i felt so bad!!! aww poor jess. My phone was on silent and i was like err! no wonder i couldn't hear my phone!!

Omg we got easyway too!! and omfg easyway has raised their prices! by like 50cents! it was like =O WHAT WHY! awws so now a drink is over 4bucks! *sigh ohwell!

Then yeah we went to eat! it was like 4 something! and we were having lunch omg! LOLOL. yerp then after that we went home hehehes.

And it got all cold .... hmm


i'll update again! and hopefully with pics next time because you know what? THERES SUNLIGHT NOW OMGWTFBBQ!! LOLOL i love sunlight!  great for photos! so yeah hopefully i will take some =D


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Uni resumes soon!

 So uni is starting again next week! *sigh!

my timetable is so horrible!! i finish at 8pm on tuesdays!! 8PM KIDDIES!!!
or i could have 5 days of uni which is abit out of the question since i need to work and such! lOL
and the uni people are soo lazy this semester! they aren't opening any of the 9am lectures!! WHY!! gosh i might have to work in the afternoon BUT NOO
PEOPLE ARE TOO LAZY!! to go do their work at 9am ... its just ridiculous! i want 9am lectures!

i am such a morning person its not funny. LOL

Also all the lectures and stuff seem to be right in the middle of the day, which ruins what ever else i could do for the rest of the day you know? silly!

OKAY lets wrap up my last few days! hahas

on tuesday i went to watch the dark knight with quan!
and OMG it was such a GOOD MOVIE IT WAS FANTASTICAL!!!! i can't get over how good it was and how epic some of the scenes were! i want to watch it again! i think its only great if u watch in in high quality so u can get all the little bits! if u say watched a downloaded version i doubt u'd know what in the world was going on half the time!
Like my dad downloaded hancock and omg i didn't know what was going on because the quality was so bad! Then when i watched the trailer and saw those scenes i was like OHH so thats what he was doing well no wonder gosh =.= i thought it was some magical explosion! LOL

Anyways first we went to eat and menya was sooo packed we went to some jap restaurant he knew upstairs and yeah it was okay! the people were so nice and friendly though! and the seating is better than menya i have to admit ahah! anyways i had some curry chicken thing which was what i was going to get at menya. It was abit too spicey!!! and so much chicken! i couldn't finish ! in the end quan ate one lOL! and he ate this box set thing which didn't look like much, i mean if i ate it i wouldn't be full and he said it wasn't filling so yeah. Just further proves my point.

Anyways then we went to the IGA in market city to buy food for cinemas, wasn't much choice so yeah i just got some random pack of lollies and he was going to get this hello kitty thing! because it had a toy =.= and he was going to give me the crappy toy i was like err just get something normal! so he got hello kitty pokky!! LMAOLMAO OBVIOUSLY HE HAS SOME THING FOR HELLO KITTY PRODUCTS LOL!

Then we went along to watch dark knight and BAHHHHh it was soo awesome and scary and just everything at the same time. EPIC! =D

Then after that we went home lol!

Then YESTERDAY! which was wednesday for those who have lost track of time!

Went out with Cyn, jess, kiwi and gigi! LOL
the original plan was shopping but it ended with people going off and watching movies while i went home lol! wow i just made myself sound like some super nigel.

Okay! so in the morning it was just me and cyn because everyone else was late, tsk people!

So cyn and i went on our way to market city and shopped around falalalaaa! and cyn bought this nice top which had a giraffe and animals on it and it was all designery at the bottom and nice! LOL! so yes she bought that then we waited around for the others and went upstairs to general pants. Upon departing general pants we are met with a distraught and wet kiwi gooing "WAHHHHH" with her hands up in the air in this absolutely hilarious fashion! it was such perfect timing and funnyness because gp is right opposite the escalators and yes well u imagine ... cyn + i exiting GP and Kiwi getting off the escalator in "WAHHH"ness. LOLOL!!

Anyways then we waited around so more and then found jess! and we went to the first store we went to SP2 or something to look at jeans WHICH WAS SO CHEAPPP!! like $50-$60 LEE JEANS!! and yeah golf punk was nice too however it was all ... as we call it .. JESS SIZED!  lol so yeah she tried on one and after a while she was taking a long time so i went to check on her LMAOLMAOO!!! and all behold a hilarious sight of jess not being able to get those jeans past her thighs, or even onto her thighs! it looked like those jeans had her locked in and unable to move or walk.

Then we left that store and wandered aimlessly some more then decided to eat.

At ... i forgot the name. aijisen? or something?
anyways i wasn't really hungry so i got edamame peas whilst they all ate ramen. LOL! then we saw ... KARIII!!! lawl! with her bf! bahahas
and yes after we ate we chatted some more to them and yerp. then lalalaa finally gigi came! LOL at 2pm AHHAHA
Then more shopping around and got boring so gigi and kiwi went to watch hancock and then cyn really wanted to watch dark knight so checked movie times it was at 4.10!
Then ... yeah im getting lazy now! HAHAH
blah blah blah
in the end jess and cyn went to watch the dark knight at 4.10! LOL
oh and i bruised jess =.= LOL she got hit with her own bag! BAHAHAH that sounds funny!
but yes i didn't think it would bruise her! gosh!
oh well! im sorry jess but it will heal =D!

Anyways today was boringgg! and half the day has gone already omg!
i played piccolo in the morning and yeah i think im figuring it out but i still haven't been able to memorise everything yet! so its proving a challenge in that sense! but i can do it! haha

then i really wanted some M&Ms so i went down to the corner store and they only had the small pack!! =.= shame! and i also bought some fizzers ahha!
and heres a pic

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

also this hilariouuus pic of a giraffe i kept laughing at!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, July 11, 2008

Work and other things i guess.

So once again i haven't blogged for a long time! lols

never fear i am here!

Work is pretty fun! but not when your at the back. Like yesterday and today i was at the back opening boxes and placing the items on these racks and then tagging the items and yes ... repeat cycle. LOL it was soooo hideously boring and it was also very slow! i felt like i was living in slow motion or inside a cave. However i made a friend today! and it wasn't as bad. LOL and when we had to go outside to get trolleys she was saying how she felt like she was just on an island like in LOST and how she felt like she just got out of there and resumed normal life. and i said i felt like i was just living in some cave! There must be some sort of time warp between the back and the actual inside of the shop! because the rate that time moves in those two areas DIFFER GREATLY!!
Anyways we kept laughing because we were chatting about funny stuff o_O yes. LOL

Anyways for some odd reason the water wasn't working inside the store! so you couldn't go to the toilet. LOL u had to go to the shopping centre. So if u were busting well u would've honestly burst.

Today whilst unpacking boxes there was so many boxes filled with male underwear!! and they were so heavy too! omg! and also shoes and stuff unrelated to apparel meaning we didn't need to open them and such. Then there was this one box which had stationary! and it had air packs inside, which is basically a bag with air sealed inside, good for cushioning and taking up free space so things won't bash around with each other inside the box. Anyways! we were like hehehehe like a bunch of kids being amused at packs of air! In the end she burst her airpacks by slashing it with her cardboard cutting knife. She said she felt the urge to just burst them. So i was like nooo u gotta have the POP! thats what makes it amusing! So i squeezed mine reallly hardddddd but to no avail. The plastic just streched, providing more space for the air packs! I just gave up and put it back inside the box =(. Then she said it would be funny if they were filled with fart! omg i can just imagine those asian workers in china doing that!

Anyways we had to get trolleys from the front to put the male underwear in! because there was just that much! LOL they were packs of them! lOL like 8 packs! i can't believe u can buy 8 packs of guys underwear! and for us girls its like yeah 3 packs and its so damn expensive!

ANYWAYS back to the trolley.

Well yeah the two she got were inseparable!! they wouldn't separate! we literally were there for five minutes, one pulling on each trolley like a bunch of crazed shoppers desperate for a trolley. Fighting each other for it! and it wouldn't separate!!! IT WAS SO EVIL! LOL. Then after that episode, we spotted some guy so we asked him to help us. And he just pulled them apart LIKE THAT, like what u say? ... like i snap my fingers! AND LIKE THAT! they were pulled apart in a matter of milliseconds! we were omg, like we just spent 5 minutes using all our might to pull apart the two trolleys but we only ended up hurting ourselves =.=. It was so pathetic! but yeah he said we probably loosened them up for him. LOL! DAMN RIGHT!

Anyways all that box cutting gave me alot of box cuts. !

and i swear im gonna die if i have to do that tomorrow too!! NOOOOOOOO


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, June 27, 2008

Narnia = Shrek + 300 + Lord of the Rings + Harry Potter + Pirates of the Carribbean + Lame attempt at Romantic film

Yes so i watched Narnia and it wast totally not narnia.

THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FROM THIS POINT ON! im going to be talking in exact detail about many scenes from narnia. so if you haven't seen it and wish to see it i suggest you don't read on because it will ruin it for u. Anyways i'll indicate where the spoiler ends with red text =D

So yes i went in there expecting what Narnia is which is a serious movie. LOL
The first scene was soooo ripped off harry potter! when they are on the train platform waiting for the train then suddenly a mysterious wooshes past which no one else can see. In my head i just thought, wow are they going to go visit the hogwarts castle now? LOL! but yeah it jets them off to narnia.

Which was a beach!! the beach resembled that of the beach from Pirates 2 dead mans chest. So did the surrounding bushland! i was like omg this is sooo pirates! LOLs

Then it became all traditional narnia, looking for people, fighting and discussing about conquering the baddies. Oh and ofcourse talking animals and centaurs.

Then during one of the fight scenes this TINY CUTE MOUSE defeats all these henchmen people! it was sooo cute! and had a striking resemblance to puss in boots from shrek! it even had that hat with a feather on it! however no boots, then again its a mouse not a cat. LOl

Then from then it on it started to take on a comedic approach and many times i found myself laughing like no tomorrow.

Especially when they attempted a romance between prince caspian and the eldest narnian queen girl person. While her and her little sister were about to ride to god knows where, its narnia just a giant bushland. Well prince caspian was about to give her her horn back. And she was like "
Why don't you hold on to it - you might need to call me again." it was soooo lame!!! and so hilarious! especially afterwards when they rode off her sister was like "you might need to call me again?" in this sarcastic tone that noted its lameness. Then at the end they have this dramatic kiss, for no apparent reason! as they have only really talked to each other twice! and there was totally nothing between them. So it was unnecessary in my eyes and in many other peoples eyes. LOl. They should've just hugged and yeah go back to their own lands.

Ohmy i forgot to say that Prince caspians philosopher teacher dude looked like santa claus!! and i thought they killed him off in the start and in my head i went "so thats why santa claus doesn't exist". But yeah he lived yet we still have no santa claus!!

Yes then there was the one on one fight against king peter and king miraz. King miraz already had a striking resemblance to the main character in 300 but it had not become so apparent until they had their duel. During that whole duel i was just waiting for king miraz to yell "THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!!!" but alas he did not, as it was narnia, not sparta.

Also when the trees came alive and started fighting the baddies. That is classic lord of the rings! seriously, what would you do without the trees! in both movies the trees were the saviors in their time of need! i think this sends out a subliminal message, to love the trees as one day they may save your life. lOL! they provide us with air anyways, so i think thats good enough excuse not to kill them off.

But yes it was quite a hilarious movie! i kept laughing and laughing.
It was good but not in the way i thought it would be hmm.


Anyways i shall show photos of my lovely laptop =D!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
the nice designs on top

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
yay! nice nice

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so reflective ya see! its like a mirror omg

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
nice designs here too! wooo lols

Also hodobro and trishy came over yday! and we had alot of fun! LOLS
despite how boring my house can be!
also ate so much, i feel the fats!!! the fats! omg haha

anyways im tired from blogging now!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Annie has a laptop. REJOICE!

lol thats right homies.
I have a laptop
a lovely lovely HP one that is prettier then angelina jolia and brad pitts baby when it grows up.
Okay so i can't really garuntee that! because there were prettier hp ones.

HOWEVER only hp ones are pretty, it seems the other companies haven't started making laptops with lovely designs on them yet.

Its pretty fast laptop too! core 2 duo 2.2ghz. 2gigs ram and 250GB HDD! wehehehe it even has bluetooh so my lovely camera and laptop can sync and transfer photos. Its just the best i tell ya.

ALSO THE WEBCAM! i realised my webcam actually broke. So yeah its good to have this laptop with a good quality webcam. WEBCAM CHAT ANYONE?
and being on holidays is sorta awesome too! however it does get a tad bit boring, with what nothing to do and all.

Hopefully i can work more and refill that dent that that this laptop caused in my bank account. But yeah its all worth it. LOL

I will give photos! its just .... i'm capped like again!! just after we changed net! and yet we are capped again. Oh gosh we need some self control.

i'm sorry for my seriously boring blogs but honestly theres nothing to blog about.

Wait how about i think ....


I'll talk about my exams. Actually more like my last exam. Marketing Principles.
Now here is a unit with a ton of information in which you must memorise and seriously cram to death with. So yes after few days of trying to fit every piece of marketing information that marketers have created to lure you into their products, it was exam time!
So i went in all prepared for this giant three hour exam that was bum crushing in everyway. No matter how you see it, after 3 hours your butt is just gonna become a blob on uncomfy mush.

So yeah i went in ... reading time. I read it chose 6 essay questions to do and then it started! i finished multiple choice then i went on to do my essays. So like i was able to do about halfway into the intros of each one then i'd have a complete mindblank and not freaking remember what i was writing!!! Or i'd be in the middle of listing the whatever roles of a buyer or what not and suddenly i'll not be able to remember !!!! i had to leave the roles of a buyer at 4 roles. Even thought there is 5. I was like "buyer, initiator, influencer, user and ... and ...... and ....... SHIT... WHAT THE AND???" Up to this point i still can't recall what the 5th role is. And im not bothered to check because seriously i don't give a flying ... yeah.

So yerp my essays were very half arsed. And well you only need a pass to pass right? so at least they are half an arse an not say a quarter or else i wouldn't pass.

Anyways i better pass because i don't like cramming and memorising. I'm just not one of those asians. LOL

Alright so that was hideously boring and a very lame attempt at being exciting.

How about you all just wait for my net to renew and i'll give you nice flashy photos of the laptop!




Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


    I finished exams today!! YAY
and seriously i did the most joyest thing ever... i cleaned my freaking room!
AND OMG I CAN SEE MY TABLE AGAIN! i haven't seen it since the end of hsc =.= seriously. I'm surprised its still the same shade of brown! but yeah its wonderful.

I would give photos but im sorta capped =.=!
such bad timing for capedness too! just when i finish my exams it decides its gonna get capped. GREAT YA KNOW!

I would like to go out =)
tell me when! and i'll try and show! LOL

Okay im hideously bored now but yet very very happy!!!

i shall blog another day



Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Driving zoom zoom.

Yerp so i had a little bit of a drive today.

And i don't know why but my speed controlling skills just weren't up to scratch today!!

Anyways in the afternoon whilst driving home from band practice i kept driving fast at the wrong time and slow at the wrong time! because i wasn't sure of the way.

So yeah my dad was screaming at me to slow down at this place where we were gonna turn. Because i was driving abit fast and i got confused by these random lines which appeared before me. But really i was just slow to react. Because it meant i wasn't allowed to drive on it! HAHAS.

Anyways my dad was screaming me to stop and well i was already stopping. Then the car at the front of the lane that was turning right suddenly went even though it was a red light. It was this mercedes and obviously since it was red light another car was going down the road!! it was this small white toyota! pretty new as well. Anyways the front of the merc smashed into the side of the toyota and somehow pulled off the thing on the tire! u know that round thing inside the tire, that serves as a decorative purpose? yeah! it clipped that off so that went rolling and the white toyota ... being pushed off its course went straight into the house at the corner of the street!! it was SOOO SCARY! omg i almost had a heartattack and couldn't drive. Anyways when the car went into the house, well i think it was the letterbox or the brick wall around the house or something ... there was like bricks flying out and dust! omygosh! then the mercedes just sat there in the middle of the road. i think the person driving was reallly shocked!! I MEAN U JUST SMASHED SOME CAR INTO A HOUSE DUDE! then they moved and parked somewhere and yeah ... there were people coming out of their houses going "omg that car just ran into the house!!" :Oness. My dad was like "SEE! THATS WHAT COULD HAPPEN"
IM LIKE *ATTEMPTS TO BREATHE* it was so scary =( i was so mortified. I almost shat my pants!! LOl. The sound of the car crashing into the house ... kept repeating in my head *shivers* anyways after that .. the light went green and everyone was turning VERY SLOWLY. With extreme caution! and i admit so was i. But because of that my dad was full screaming "HURRY UP" and im like "OMGG" and my mum was "OMMMG!! =.= let her drive slowly! that was scary!!"

There was a couple inside the car and they were alright because they sorta came out a while after. hmm and i think it was a company car because it had like yellow logos on it. You know those small white toyotas you see around? and they have like a yellow key on them or something? it was one of those! i'm sure u'll know what im talking about when you see one.

Then after that i was sweating so badly whilst driving =.= and with such extreme caution!!

Today i made two wonderful parks! I FEEL SO PROUD! BEING ABLE TO PARK NICELY!!

Yerp, thats my story for the day.

I hate being capped!! i can't do anything =( aww


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I'm bored so i've decided to blog.

We are changing to TPG Adsl2! LOL because they give more gigs and we are greedy little downloaders! LOLL!
nahh its just not enough right now =.= we always end up getting capped making life on the computer very frustrating.

Anyways i skipped uni today because my friends weren't going and i didn't want to be a loner there like last time, which might i remind was really painful. Plus they put homework solutions online now so yeah it stops you having to become suicidally bored from the tutors voice dragging on something that really doesnt' need to be dragged.

I received no comments on my last post =(. I'd like to know if someone was reading ya know!
I saw a guy from work today waiting for his uni bus. I was like ohh i know him! HE IS A NEWBIE TOO!! that reminds me, i will be going for training tomorrow. horhor hurrah!

I believe high school kids had a strike today! making them take over the place. I swear they were everywhere! like AHHHH MORE KIDS AHHHHHH SOME MORE OMG!! LLOOOK @ THE FLOCK OVER THERE AT THE EASYWAY!! BUT I WANT EASYWAY AHHHH AHHHHH ... so on so fourth. LOL

Went out with aiden today and got abit bored because there was nothing to do and i didn't want to go karaoke! i believe its boring plus i can't sing. So i don't see the point in it. Then we went around trying to find a white belt because i needed one for my pants! LOLL but to no avail and everywhere we went there was cheap bape stuff. for shame.

This post is rather boring? 

i'm making more friends at uni! yay! makes life more bearable since if your alone you can find someone you know! mhmm

okay i'm just gonna stop now.


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, May 19, 2008

I've become a lazy and procrastinating blob.

Yerh, i didn't get much work done. Actually i haven't been getting much work done for quite a while now. I have to say its rather naughty of me =.=.

So i think i better start banning myself from the net! especially msn!! I CAN"T STOP CHATTERING! i am sooo talkative these days its not funny. I mean on msn my friends don't have enough time to reply! they may only minimize the window for a period of 0.2 seconds but in those 0.2 seconds i produce about 5 lines of meaningless conversational blabber. A serious time waster, i could be studying... ahem eww. I've never been the studying type and i have come to the conclusion that yes my parents were right i am rather lazy and i have figured that maybe im not dumb i just don't put enough effort into anything because of my lazyness. Wow i feel like i've learnt something valuable.

Anyways! i'm going to start banning myself from the net!

also i've been procrastinating a SHIT LOAD because i've redownloaded the stumbleupon toolbar. Bad decision. You see its a toolbar and u press the stumble button on your dearest toolbar and it takes you to really amusing sites, complete. utter. time wasting. sites. That are highly amusing and time consuming but i figured that at this point in time where i am so behind in uni work i probably shouldn't be "stumbling upon" fun sites.

Yerp so now i've figured out that problem .. you probably won't see me online AS MUCH. LOL but i'll still be online OCCASIONALLY. Just not ALL THE TIME now. LOL

Also on friday i have to go for 3hr training and they don't have our shirts yet so we need to wear either a plain black or white shirt, like those school ones. BUT OH SO NICE mother has given away all my white shirts and now i don't have any! and i am not willing to buy it just to wear for 3 hours. So anyone kind and generous enough to lend me theirs? i promise to wash it! and return it!

okay that will be all.

Im gonna be posting this on livejournal annnd blogspot because feng wants it on lj =.=
fine fine. LOLOL


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, May 15, 2008

life is still boring but hey im employed!

man i love flock browser! its so lovely!! i can write a blog post without even signing into blogspot. such a wonderful web browser!!

Anyways yes! i am employed! LOL
but hey im just happy i have a job now omygosh LOl!! like what many months of vigorous searching and pop! LOL. i have to do some online induction and omg I GET PAID FOR IT :O!! HAHAHAHA!! the joys! of the internet. LOL and then maybe i'll use that money to go out and buy some more rice ... pfft!! kidding!! LOL if we run out of rice we can all switch to noodles!! LOL
which in economics we would call a substitute good. LOL!! see how educational my blog is? LOL gosh.

i haven't even been studying economics lOL!! for all these weeks. I've just been attempting to catch up with accounting and trying to understand it! and i think i've almost got it!! this is through reading lecture notes! I DIDN"T KNOW THEY WERE THAT USEFUL OMG!

anyways not sure what else has been happening ... oh besides nothing. LOL

lets see!

actually i really have nothing else to talk about except that about 5 minutes ago i got carried away eating pistachios and i wasn't able to open one of them so i got scissors to jam it open and i ended up stabbing my finger!!! and the scissors were reallly pointy at the end so yeah it hurts now and was bleeding before. And i think i may have opushed a peice of pistachio outter shell thing into my finger because theres this black dot inside of my skin ... =.= and its not blood. i dont' think! LOL

2 minutes later ...

OMG I FREAKING DID!! i just got it out =.= this piece of black shell thing!!
oh and now my finger doesn't hurt anymore because theres no foreign object flying around under my skin lOL!

anyways these induction test thingos take FOREVER TO LOAD on my computer and i have no idea why ... it just does. I'm using all the correct specifications and what not and it has been 35 minutes since i last clicked the link

okays i shall be off

till next time!!


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Yes i am here to complain about uni. LOL

just the other day henry said that i whinge alot. WELL SHUTUP HENRY. Go eat yourself =.= ... not everyone gets to do well at uni and be unemployed by choice!

But yes. Uni is still hideously boring and it seems all my other friends find it like that too. Even the PWC homies!

But yeah i was talking to cathy today and she says that she feels like a loner at uni. And i understood how she felt! if i ever arrived at uni early i find myself wondering around aimlessly trying not to look like i was by myself. Or trying to look like i was finding friends or something. Also time passes very slowly when your by yourself. Theres absolutely nothing to do! and you see other people with their uni friends and they look at you and then you feel extremely lonerised!!

But yes uni is sad =.= i can't make any cool friends! like i've got this small group. But ya know its not like i see them everyday and we don't click fantastically!

I miss high school and high school friends and all that jazz. Including the dreaded hsc.

When i was watching proposal daisakusen a japanese drama given to me by sharon. Well!! the main character goes back in time to before a photo was taken and then tries to correct his wrongs of the past and what not. Its actually more of him just trying to hook up with the girl of his dreams. =.= seriously draggy drama, i did alot of fast forwarding. BUT YES, TO THE POINT NOW. Well it made me feel jealous!! i was like omg why can't i do that =.= i would be so happy just to live one day of my high school life again! preferably a day from hsc year. HAHA i know .. jankan is probably thinking .. WHAT? WHAT THE CRAP ARE U TALKING ABOUT? HSC IS HORRIBLE.
But really jankan after you graduate your gonna realise hsc was DA BOMB. LOL!

Anyways i've got uni work due at 3am on tuesday. You see at our uni they know that everyone does everything at the last minute, resulting in sleepless nights. So that is why we have something due at 3am. They want us to at least get a few hours of sleep. Not that i do things last minute. I mean i have like 2 things left, nothing to fret over and certainly nothing to lose sleep over. I am organised! YEAH!

The price of rice is rising and i've heard people have being going apeshit buying 50 bags of rice ... which is crazy i mean thats enough to last two civilisations!!! when the world ends they will still have like a ton of rice left!! they are probably the reason why rice prices are going up =.=. This .. boys and girls is called inflation caused by speculation. Yes i am teaching you economics, no don't run away! this may help you in the future when you go insane ... speculating that (product x) prices are going to increase so you go about buying tons of (product x) and because of your excessive craziness you end up causing the price of (product x) to rise because you have significantly reduced the supply of (product x).

SO REALLY this rice increase is probably caused by idiots buying too much rice. LOL

Hahaha! this rice crises (lol rice crisis =.=) because i don't really know where it actually came from i assume is speculation. I mean why does rice prices rise? its a renewable good! its not oil or anything =.=.


I'm sorry my readers for putting you through that. LOl

Anyways parramatta road this arvo at around 4 something was going through this hugee traffic jam. We were literally frozen in traffic at regular intervals!! i had alot of time to check out cars on parramatta road!! and yes i've picked a few i want LOL! anyways .. amidst my boredom i took a few photos and they were not so bad. LOL =)

I will post! hehe

I JUST REMEMBERED WHY I WAS TALKING ABOUT RICE. Anyways we bought two bags LOL! hey we aint crazily buying 50! so yeah. And we decided to store them upstairs and i had to carry one and it was so damn heavy! i mean i am so weak now =.= its seriously not funny. Its just pitiful. and i got it up the stairs and put it down cuz it was damn heavy. Then my dad was like "your a weak man" im like "IM NOT A MAN" *jabs him in the back* MUAHHAHA! and he almost toppled like a weakling! MUAHAHHA! then he went and complained to mother =.= how terribly childish of him.

ohwell! im soo talkative today. All my thoughts are just flooding into this little text box! haha

okay photo and im off!


Monday, April 28, 2008


yeah so i said i would blog on monday and now its monday HAHAHA!!

i was capped last week so all blogging was made high impossible!

Anyways a week ago was kiwi and kat's birthday outing.

So yeah first up we went to eat at this asian place which was VERY VERY ASIAN. LIKE IT EXPLODED IN ASIANESS!! and the waiters were impatient annoying people =.=
also bad lighting so couldn't take many photos!

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gigi's drink

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cyn and jess's pasta thing which jess had to mush up the pasta to eat cuz of her braces hahas

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kiwi and gigi

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jas and lil with jas's toast=.= which was all she ate!! =.=

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jas and i. LOLOl

Then after that we went to market city and randomly looked at shops and then bought kat's present which were a pair of shoes. Then we split! :O jas, lil, kat and i duno who else went to paddys markets whilst the rest of us went shopping around ahha!

oh yes and lil was back from adelaide for two weeks! :O so yes long time no see! hahas.

AHh my fingers are soo cold, making typing difficultly painful!

Anyways then we just walked around and went to hype shoe store

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and this picture was born! HAHAS

Yerps then went to this shop of george street and we bought ....

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gigi + kiwi bought these beef jerky which costs $4.80!! =.=
its like one peice of beef jerky which costs $2.50 and cut up into little pieces to it seems more? AHHAS

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yay cyn and i! and jas tryna get in haha

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cyn and jess .. cyn SO WHITE HERE O_O

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cyn and her drink which was like 6bucks!!! :O

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me and gigi LOL and look at the people behind us taking photos too hha

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kiwi, cyn and jess

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jess and i ... she looks abit constipated haha

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jess looking creepy

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u can see the jellies! OHH JELLY JELLY AHHAS

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wahlao pretty haha

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my lovely green tea ice cream! which looks like crap here =.= but it was nice and at a price of $3.80

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Jess's crappy toast! which looked SOO PRETTY IN THE PICTURE! like this nice big perfectly square thing that was glistening with lovely taste o_O AHHAS
but in reality it was this =.= and costed $2.80 for a big peice of bread haha

Then yeah more walking around and time wasting. Including visiting this shop where the shop person was just wan idiot! she wasn't even watching the shop! LIKE U COULD'VE STOLE SOMETHING! LOL she was busy putting on makeup the whole time. Then cyn bought this nice jacket which was only like $65! and so soft warm and big. And she didn't have change so cyn had to live with a ton of coins =.= 20c, 10c's.

Then jess wanted these shorts which was $40 not so cheap. And yeah person didn't have change!! my gosh! and wouldn't sell to her for just $38 since its not even summer season anyways and they were so not worth $40. But yeah nope. hmm

So yeah

that was about it! wasn't anything exciting but yah HAHAHAS


Friday, April 18, 2008

Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain and so on

It keeps raining! LOLS

and being damp and yucky. Good for sleep but bad for just about everything else. haha!

So what has been happening since wednesday?

I received my result for the economics multiple choice! I ONLY GOT 20/30! OH CMON i was expecting so much more! i want like a 29 or even a 30! lol. You can't blame me for being greedy for marks! i studied for it! and i got most of it BUT WHY ONLY 20! its inconceivable!

Then yesterday i went to my last tutorial before my lovely one week break. FAROUT it was the boringest thing ever!! i zoned out alot and kept yawning. By the end of it i didn't learn anything!! because i completely zoned out. I was sorta staring into space .. thinking about what to do in my lovely break haha. And arnon didn't come because he wanted to sleep in so i sat next to this other guy called michael and yeah it was just boring because accounting is a boring subject.

Then afterwards me and carol were walking to the bus stop and the bus ... for once in its life decides it wants to be on time!! SO WE MISS THE BUS! omygosh. Because usually the bus is 10-15minutes late .. which allows us to catch it =D. But no not yesterday. So yeah carol decided to catch the train and whilst we were waiting for both bus and train we just stood there talking about cars. And the nissan micra is the freaking ugliest car ever! i've never seen something so fugly before! it looks like some beady eyed alien =.= .

So yeah then she walked to the station and i walked to my bus stop. It takes me 2minutes whilst for her about 10-20 minute walk. And just when i got under the bus shelter .. the sky decided to relieve itself and started sprinkling, then raining, then pouring. I was sitting under there going -.-, o_O, O_O!! LOL. Because i bet carol got drenched!

Anyways the bus i was waiting for was late!! but luckily by the time it arrived the rain stopped so that when i was walking home i wasn't going to get rained on.

Did i also mention that it's cold? mygod i've been freezing!! lols.

I understand its autumn but its not winter =.=! needs to relax on the temperature dropping.

Tralallalaaaa i'm bored. I'll probably blog on monday!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Surprise post!


yeah its a surprise post because well .. i so bet you weren't expecting me to blog right?

It's true ... i wouldn't have been bothered to blog. BUT! due to extreme circumstances, which is pretty much the death of my msn.

My windows live messenger doesn't work, windows messenger doesn't work AND ALSO webmessenger and i love im and whatever other types of online based messengers ... THEY ALL DON'T WORK!

So obviously something cruel is going on. Someone just wants to seclude me to death by cutting off my main communication tool. That prevents me from talking to myself ... LOL .. which for reassurance purposes i will tell you i don't.


Well last friday i went to the city. Caught the train with adrian then was gonna meet up with aiden BUT THAT BITCH. HE ENDED UP NOT BEING ABLE TO COME AND COMPLETELY DOGGED ME! =.= still angry. So yeah i was at the city .. and it took me a freaking hour to get there and i had nothing to freaking do. I knew jess was gonna be in the city so i called her but she was coming 2 hours later!!! so i just went to the haymarket library to study instead. You know i decided to be productive, considering my accounting exam was the next day. In the end i got a fair amount of studying done! which wasn't too bad. Then met up with jess and her siblings josh and steph.

We were going to eat at Ramen Kan or something but when we got there, there was a HUGE LINE! so we decided to go to some other ramen shop 2 doors down. Little josh kept playing with his water, by dunking his chopsticks in and then attacking the table with it. I ordered some box set thing ... i finished the whole entire thing yet i was still so hungry after! do you know why? because i didn't eat breakfast because of stupid aiden =.=. *glares* LOL. Anyways! moving on. After we ate we went to UTS library and min had come along too! yay *hi min* LOL! min and jess were gonna get some cruise tickets but the person wasn't there yet.

So we went market city because josh needed to pee. But all the toilets in market city were out of order! so yeah i don't know ... i think jess must've threatened some restaurant owner or something but yeah. Then min decided to get two hair extensions because they were only 6 bux each. And whilst we waited around we visited the lollie store. Which might i say .. steph taxed a shitload of lollies from. That lady seemed soo apathetic about it too.

Anyways then we went to martin place because steph had left her phone in the train and some lady that works at martin had it. (martin place = good jobs = high pay = no point in stealing a year 9 or 10's persons phone) yerp. LOL! On the way there josh felt it was a good time to take a nap! so we had to hold him .. and as cute as that boy is ... that cuteness comes with a WEIGHT! and he got rather heavy. So we took turns carrying him and i bet we looked like a bunch of baby kidnappers or something!! LMAO!!

Anyways we got to martin place!!! then we couldn't find the stupid work place because it was hidden inside the building. We finally found a sign saying LIFTS TO (place we were going to) so we were like WOO!! and we open the door .. ONLY TO DISCOVER RINGS AND RINGS OF STAIRCASES O_O .. i'm not sure if that made any sense. But you know .. it was exactly like a scene from a movie .. you look up from the middle of the staircase and u see MANY RINGS OF STAIRS ABOVE YOU AND YOUR HEART SINKS, YOU BREAK A SWEAT, YOU FART, WHATEVER. LOL I really wanted to take a photo! it looked nice but slightly creepy. It would be scary there at night. Anyways after the first staircase ring thing .. we found lifts and yeah all easy from there!

Anyways lets try to wrap this day up! we went back to ... locations near market city o_O LOL! to find min. We ended up in capitol with all the machines .. which were addictive =.=. THEN WE SAW GIGI, KIWI AND KYLIE!!! so exciting. then yeah .. gigi and kiwi vanished. And then we went to eat dinner sometime later then i went home. and all was joyous.


I woke up ... i realised i had an exam and decided to do some last minute cramming. After that i seriously though i knew everything! because i had gone through everything in the last few days. But gosh! when i got to the exam room .... THE EXAM WAS SO HARD!!! Some questions just dumbfounded me. Also we were in the lecture room so we had those tiny tables and uncomfy plastic chairs. My back and shoulders were aching from leaning over .. attempting to complete the exam. Also the table was so small .. my paper had to fight my pen for space. I mean my calculator had to be moved elsewhere! hahas. Anyways after that i felt pooped because it was hard. Then i went home and ate happily and watched drama. LOL!

Then blah blah skip uneventful sunday, monday and tuesday.

Today i had my economics exam!! woooooo!! long live economics!
It wasn't that bad .. because well it seems most things i studied were in it! just a few questions made me abit .. WAH? LOL! but my guessing skills are supreme. Then i went out early because i finished early. Also it is worht 30%! ohgosh.

Today thomas taught me some manual driving! man i feel so pro now! i can drive manual without stalling! LOL .. not like i really stalled in the first place. But before i didn't know how to break. So i'd just press the break .. and the car would just stall and then i'd have to start it up again! but now i know .. i'm meant to clutch then break! It's all good. So now i can use my manual driving skills during emergencies when only a manual car is available. I don't know why a situation such as that would ever arise but yeah.


I want to take more photos!! i've had my camera with me every single day! just like the old times. But i haven't been taking anything. I think too lazy! So hopefully by next post. Which would probably be soon there would be louds of lovely pictures to accompany the blogging. I think i'll experiment with a new blogging style =) AWESOME AWESOME.

Okay, till next post!


Monday, April 7, 2008

I've been gone for so long!

Yeah blogging is like ... not something i do very often anymore.

Because theres too much rubbish uni work to do! honestly!

Well i have taken a few photos. But not any nice ones because ... well i have no inspiration, no models, no props, no nothing! and my camera is just being poopie these days! Also time constraints! no time to enjoy myself i tell ya!

So pretty much my update is just ... uni uni uni uni. LOl

However on friday frobro, trishy and i went to watch the chinese spectacular! YAY YAY!! exciting stuff!
it was awesome!!! sooo goooood. I loved the drum performances! and the mangolian dances were really good too! generally as a whole the whole thing was good. Yerp!

On saturday i worked then i got to see gary! YAY GARYY!!!! ... i do wonder if he is reading this O_O hahaha because he said he read my blog about uni being unjoyful. so yeah hmm. Well he grew taller and he stands straight like 24/7. Which just makes him look even more taller! He is all pro now! flipping and ... smacking himself with chopsticks O_O! HAHAHA

Then yesterday went to the library to study but half the time i ended up bludging because i really could not be bothered. I dont know why but i am just not in any type of studying mood. Which is a shame because i have mid semesters super soon.. like this week. And i am just not in the mood! Wells! we saw hodobro at the library! THAT WAS SHOCKING IT WA SLIKE ... HODOBRO O_O FRO BRO!!!!

yerh... okay

PHOTOOS FROM LIKE 2 weeks ago and yeah .

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me and cyn from like two weeks ago LOL!

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yanny and gigi

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gigi in extreme excitment with kiwi going ... yes .. haha

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i dont know what im doing ..

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anita's souvenir to gigi from hk. it looks nice ! haha

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shiney shiney! HAHA

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cyn's squid noodles .. which sorta looks like ink AHHAHA

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WOO CJ7 TOYS! my one is the extremely fluffy one on the right haha

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my cj7 with a mohawk

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ahahaha fluffball

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... long eyebrows o_O

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as an emo!

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asian spiked hair style haha

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as a clam ...

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weird random ducks at the easter show .. look its a bottle! HAHA

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barry hall ... yes! LOL

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hodobro got pooped on on friday ... ahha

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and a lovely sunset to end the post ...

Till next time ... which could be a longgg time away so beware! HAHAHA
