Tuesday, December 23, 2008

work work and work and work and work and more work and ... well play doesn't fit in here anywhere.

- --+❤ oh darling says:
lmfao i feel like blogging again
desperately seeking... says:
about what?

- --+❤ oh darling says:
i feel like blogging again ahah
renegade. says:
LOL about?

Geebus talk about frobro and trishy saying the same thing!

Am i really that uninteresting that i won't have anything to blog about? well i shall blog about something interesting then!! AHEM AHEM!

This is some serious backlash from all that complaining i did at this time last year about not having a job! now i'm like overworked!

Soo overworked that i have to tell everyone about ALL THESE WORK DREAMS I'VE BEEN HAVING!!!

So last night i had a mini nightmare of being at work and every customer asking me "IS THERE A DISCOUNT ON THESE?" and i kept dreaming of signs saying "$8.03" yesh i know very random, maybe its supposed to mean something but i doubt. Then there were ants everywhere and they started attacking me while i was at my register. I think this dream proves that i'm becoming some sort of workaholic! My life is revolving around work and its TERRIBLY SAD!

So anyways i was thinking of doing a video blog but it was epic fail. I found out i was terrible uninteresting on video, i mumble a bit and my mouth looks awfully ridiculous when i talk. Video blogs are hard, you need to have set topics to video blog and frankly i just spit out anything in a blog. So maybe i'll try later. Or let laziness overcome me and not.

Just then trishy asked how do we become interesting because right now we are just as interesting as a carpet, which isn't that fascinating. So i replied, well we do stuff and we don't work so much. Which made me realise OMG once we finish uni and go into full time jobs we will be at the most uninteresting moment of our life. Which is pretty sad because i've lived my life to the fullest of interestingness and for all of it to stop seems lifeless altogether. =(

Oright i'm hitting extremely boring right now.



Anonymous said...

dude, great minds think alike =)

anyway, since i lasted commented i have nothing interesting to add. i feel like lazying about somewhere other than my house lol.

i wanted to beach it today but the weather f_cked up greatly. I hope it doesn't rain christmas!!!

Annie said...

yeahhh i reckon! whats with the weather =.= its soooooooo awful! LOL
no beach time =(

i also want to laze away from home! LOL home is getting boring hhaha