Sunday, May 27, 2007


Yes so today trisha, monica, bumbi, jumbum, shermani and her brother and i! went to watch pirates of the Caribbean 3, at world's end.

TWAS FANTASTIC! thought some bits were really pointless and draggy and some were just confusing! but there were alot of funny bits! and yeah the action and fighting was good, there weren't as many graphics but nevertheless!

Monica LOVED IT though. LOL

Well beforehand trishy and i decided to go early for abit of shopping, little did we know that bumbi and monica had the same idea! in the end trisha and i bought nothing while bumbi and monica BOUGHT LOADS lol. well not loads but they had 2-3 bags each. haha!

While trishy and i were wondering around, we saw anita!!!!! well actually we heard her before we saw her! it was this "AAAANNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and yes trishy and i looked around and VOILA it twas anita! DUNDUN!! it was so funny because the girl next to anita looked soo disorientated and shocked and looked around in a flurry of fear! she was like .. O_O! O.O*to the left* O.O*to the right* LOLOL!!

Then after a while trishy and i wondered where anita could be so we listened ..... but alas no screaming anita! LOLs

Anyways there were all these emos, one had like a mohawk.

Then in the cinema this group of emos stole our seat! BITCHES!! and yeah they wouldn't move, then they finally moved. We had to bribe them with razorblades (jokes). LOL! then later on we saw them getting kicked out of their seats again! HAHAHA SUCH SHIT! and they were sooo annoying, they tried to ignore us. When i first went into the cinema i saw people sitting around the seats that we were supposed to be in and i was like "please please!! let it not be the emos!!!" but alas! they swished their hair and slit their wrists and camouflaged themselves with black clothing yet revealed themselves with blonde fringes. They were SO ANNOYING! stupid people, i bet they snuck in. LOLS

Anyways luckily we had pre-booked because when we got there
it had ...
Pirates 3 ...... FULL ....FULL.....FULL....FULL.... 8.30pm.....10.30pm
LOL something like that!
but yeah the next 4 sessions were all full! SO LUCKY FOR US MAN!

Before the movie we also went around and looked at phones!! and OMG with 3 i want the DOPOD 838 or something like that. LOL its pretty big and fat but it slides out sideways with a KEYBOARD!! like the american sidekick phones! and yeah i like that! LOLS i think its expensive though because its like a business phone. =.=.
bumbi is getting the LG shine phone, actually GOTTEN IT LOL yeah looks pretty coool!! but i don't like the buttons its like O.O eeerrrrs. lOl



Anonymous said...

hey annie!!

i was infact very very surprised to see you at para today!! LOL

I was only at para for some tvb function at churcth st =P It had finished so I went to develop my photos and AHA I see you and trish ;)

Glad you enjoyed the movie because I spent (or wasted?) my whole weekend star stalking!! LOL I stalked one of the stars to his hotel~~ HAHAHA! And the reception or bell boy or whatever you call those people was like, "girls, please the gentleman alone!" HAHAHAHAA!! Why? Because we kept taking pictures of him when he was trying to enter the lift to his room..


Loads of fun and saw loads of pictures! But sadly, I need to study now ==

see you tomorrow =]

Anonymous said...

*please leave the gentlemen alone"

ahhh I cant edit my post.. sorry for the mistakes~ == i'll make sure I'll read it first before i press post!

Anonymous said...

LOL ur description of seeing anita was VERY CONFUSING =="
i want to watch pirates !?! anyone wanna watch with me ?? HAHA

poor raymond ==" u folowed ray right ?? HAHAH or justin?? ... prob ray =="

Annie said...

anita: hahaha yes i can tell u were very surprised .... by the volume of ur voice!! HAHAHS
i bet the person u stalked was like ... "OMG ITS THE LOUD GIRL!! OMGOMGOMGATTT" LOL!! u STALKER!! HOW SAD FOR HIM! LMAOOS i bet he could hear u from his hotel room! LMAOLMAO "OHMYGATT I STILL HEAR HER!! OMGATT!!"
i want to seee photos! HAHA

cyn: haha well she screamed very loudly and we saw her and the girl next to her looked around trying to find where the noise was coming from which was anita! HAHAHAS