Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Yes very empty! NO ONE IS COMMENTING! makes me feel like a loser LOL!
but then majority of people who read my blog are having net problems! oh u poor peoplisms!

Well today was an EXTREMELY LONG DAY for no particular reason, its just that it was so slow and draggy. As if we were swimming =.= LOLs

First was maths and we did so much work but its so sad because i don't get it. I do but when i do the questions ITS FREAKING WRONG! its some stupid direct variation stuff. Anyways we finally moved to a new room! and it is oh-so-smelly, it smells like ... what new rooms smell like LoL. Its so nice and we have two doors muahahaha but then the seating arrangements SUCK SO BADLY, its pathetic, i mean how do we maintain our social lives with our long line of friends when they are halfway across the room?

Then during first break sarah and i decided to check out the new toilets (WOOT) and they are oh-so-nice. The walls are like some white granite stuff or something but yes its like ooo lala. Then we decided to actually use the toilets and the first toilet sarah went to, already had poo in it! ohmygod it is a new toilet and already some constipated person has come along and had their share of toilet usage or abusage. Honestly you can poo but must you leave it to ferment and green so that an unsuspecting pee-r will walk in and almost piss their pants in disgust? the flush button is not that far away! there are also stupid people who try to bloody drown it with toilet paper, are you honestly stupid? just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't smell and doesn't mean that everyone else is stupid. Plus it is so disgusting! are people retarded? i don't understand how you can just forget to flush the toilet, its like an automatic reflex! anyways enough about what idiots do after a poo. =.=. Anyways the new toilets still have those stupid foggy mirrors, we are a girls school! how do they expect us to live with FOGGY MIRRORS? and its silly they spend so much on the wall when it could've just been like a normal wall. And proper mirrors LOL.

Second we had a free and it was unbelievably long and unbearably boring. Yes we lingered around as usual and at once point i got very frustrated and said "when is this free going to endd!!!" and so on and so fourth. LOL

Third was english and once again we went through another 7 minutes of film and wrote another 2 pages. The teacher has announced that we will go through the whole film and he had even calculated that it will take us 12 lessons to complete. LOL! also we got vaccination forms, 3 needles! its for cervical cancer. I assume the first needle is against "cer" and the last part against "cal" LOL if you get what i mean.

Then afterwards jess and i went to eat at plaza where we met vivian and sue i ate a lasagne and my arteries almost closed up in the middle of it because of how fattening it was. I could not finish it! it was too much!! LOL. The eat was quite boring it was like "laadidaa" then i had to go dentist and fix my funny midget tooth at the front. I was thinking of calling it lillian but then yeah i don't want to get them mixed up LOLOLOLOL!!!



Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA don't call it lillian =P You never know what she will do to you!!!

Did you realise most of your blog was about the "poo" T__________T

I shall explore and use the toilets tomorrow~~ HOHOHO!!!

Annie said...

yes i do! LMAO but i am trying to make everyones toilet experiences better! LOLS

haha yes lillian could just get shorter LMAOLMAOOS

Brandontdwo said...

yes i do! LMAO but i am trying to make everyones toilet experiences better! LOLS haha yes lillian could just get shorter LMAOLMAOOS