Saturday, June 16, 2007

lets try and be interesting.

Yes, lets.

So whats been happening lately? once again nothing really.

Hodan's birthday was yesterday and oh what a jolly day it was.

My glasses fogged up 3 times! like instant fog ups, not those stupid in shower fog ups and no i don't wear my glasses in the shower it just sits on the sink.

Well in the morning i got on the bus and da-da! my glasses instantly fogged up! the reason was because the bus was SOOO HOT inside and it was SOOO COLD! out side. And well yes the dramatic temperature change. I know the science behind it but i'm not going to bore you out.

Anyways it was really hot inside the bus and i almost suffered a claustrophobic attack after a while because it was really starting to get to me. The bus driver seems all fine about it, like he was baking inside an oven and he didn't even know it!

Anyways i also dropped my phone ... some three metres!

I was in front of the senior study which is on the second story with like a balcony looking out to the art block downstairs. Anyways i was just walking and holding my phone with my wallet and my camera so i guess my grip on the phone wasn't tight enough or something because when i turned around my phone just sprung out of my hand a flew inbetween the railings of the balcony and down 3 metres into the art quad/block thing. Near the tree. I swear everything went in slow motion, it was like the matrix without all the violence and sex. It fell, jumped around, slit and then flipped open. But all is fine everyone! because the phone is still alive! and i am still in shock at the fact it is still alive!

Then i went into the senior study and TA-DA! my glasses fogged up again! the senior study is always very hot because being students we too are unknowingly baking ourselves to death. Then i decided to heat up my noodles and when it finished heating i opened the microwave and *POOOF* my glasses was fogged once again! i'm telling you, it was so amusing. I thought i died or something because all i saw was white! i was like OHMY! LOL. i'm just kidding.

I shall bet myself $5 that no-one is actually reading.
I think i'll collect my winnings now because i'm sure i'm right!! LOL

here is a spiderman signature i made that I LOVE!! and a picture i drew of a friend LOL mhmm

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

tis KEVVV!! haha i like it cuz it looks cutee!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
WOOO i LIKE IT CUS i've never made something that looks this good =)!
im proud!!



okay hodan said...

i read it!
you owe me $5!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, in cash please.

Annie said...

u advanced english people
"i bet MYSELF"
ahem! LOL
so no $5 for any of u!
not even me! lol

Anonymous said...


what a drawing.. it looks cute though~

enjoy the rest of your sunday!!!

Annie said...

hahaha thank you!
enjoy ur sunday too HAHA

Unknown said...

The spiderman thing does look pro.


It's so cold these days. =( I'm not liking it one bit!

Enjoy the rest of second last term of year 12. =O HSC in like a couple of months time! =O

Annie said...

haha thanks!
yes VERY COLD!! lol
psch i will not enjoy the rest of it!