I tell you!
HSC is seriously TOOO LONG.
i cannot stand having 4 weeks of exams! BECAUSE I GET DISTRACTED and i start bludging. Like i am doing now.
I've been through 2 weeks and theres two more to go and i'm becoming increasingly lazy, chatting, games, movies, tv shows. It's bad but having a week before your next exam just makes you wanna relax. I almost feel like i'm in holidays, but then i am duly reminded that no i am not in holidays and have only gotten through half of my exams.
Before every exam, whilst in the exam room i freak out abit.
And i think i will severely freak out just before the economics exam because i need to ace that exam and make sure it scales me like theres no tomorrow. I need to be scaled really high in it! so everyone else has to do well! then i shall ride the elevator up the scaling board. Like say riding the elevator up centrepoint tower. LOL!
Anyways i was totally owned to death by the maths paper on friday. It was HORRID. JUST HORRID. The horrors was just too much. I felt so prepared and so confident going into the exam as i had completed all past papers from 01-06 including catholic papers and frankly they weren't that bad. But when i got into the exam and looked at the question i almost collapsed on my tiny 1m by 50cm table. It was all the stuff i couldn't do. There were too many equations and probability and graphs. Equations!! *shivers* we are standard! equations should be minimalistic for us and they should concentrate on ANNUITIES!! and financial maths!! but no. The BOS disregarded the fact we were general and decided it would be funny to see us become thrashed and virtually papercutted by a few sheets of paper.
So it totally sucked ass. There was also one question asking us to draw a graph and they didn't give us graph paper which is BULLOCKS. Then there was this HIDEOUS triangle question. I swear i thought i had conquered all the conquerable triangles in all those past papers but damn this triangle was beyond that. Evil triangle!! i now forever hate trangles and feel that all shapes should have 4 or more sides. triangles ... *shivers*
After the exam everyone was complaining about the difficulty of a paper which ... shouldn't have been difficult at all! AND WE ARE ALL GONNA BE SCALED DOWN SO BADLY. It's gonna be a freefall of down scaling. So yes, after that paper my hopes of getting 90 uai have been completely obliterated. The hope was taken away by the BOS, sat on, shat on, treaded on, made into a triangle *shivers* and placed onto a graph and asked to find the gradient of it then smashed into a quadrillion pieces, put into a cake mix, baked, iced, sprinkled with chocolate chips and eaten by our dear board of studies.
Anyways thats about it thats happened in the week.
Well i got reallly bored yesterday and the day before yesterday and today because of ancient history which might i add is soo incredibly boring to study. Honestly i'm falling asleep! I wish we did the persians. the persians are sooo interesting. Especially about how they tried to take over the spartans. =(
I have also been reading the book freakonomics, mainly due to my increasing boredom with ancient. I decided to read a book that bases everyday thing with economics. Which is quite sad. How almost everything is based on economics and you can figure things out with the use of economics. I think knowing economics gives people alot of power. You can find out when you can speed and when you can't speed using economics! did you know? it was the most interesting thing i have read. (okay overstatement) but it was one of them.
i think i'm blabbering on .
I'll stop!
Well whilst im blogging away here i think people are being owned by their 2unit mathematics exam. Those poor peoples.
I have three more exams left omg! ITS SO MUCH. SOOO BORING TO WAIT.
OHH i have also become addicted to the anime "one piece" awwws. I'm gonna watch the whole thing after hsc. Its funny how we plan everything for after the hsc. LOL i mean we have time to do it now really but you'd just feel guilty doing it.
Monday, October 29, 2007
2 more weeks left
Posted by Annie at 10:37 AM 6 comments
Labels: ancient, economics, general maths
Monday, October 22, 2007
i am 18!
that is right people i am legally 18 now!!
today has been a relatively good day thanks to my friends and well a little bit from the board of studies! because i was able to adapt my essays very well with two of the questions. The other one however was just meh meh. i didn't like it!! AT ALL BOS!! *glares* LOl
MY PARENTS. also forgot my birthday. LOL nice innit? 18th! and i'm an only child! yet they cannot even remember one date! geebus.
And i even made cake for my dad on his birthday! and they are always telling me to remember their birthdays and what not ... BUT NO!! I AM OF SUCH INSIGNIFICANCE BEING THEIR ONLY CHILD.
Anyways my dad was full blaming it on my mum saying he was working till late last night. Ahem i went down yesterday he was watching chinese series on his computer. =.=
and i was like "YOU FORGOT TOO U KNOW?" and then he changed the subject to mailboxes LOLOL!!! SHUNNED!!
Then they were making excuses saying how they always remember the chinese date one never the aussie lunar calendar one? LOL i was like whatever. LOL because yeahh my mum remember last year! IT WAS SUCH A LIE and such a bad lie too because frankly i ain't that stupid.
Then my dad was saying how they never forget and stuff BUT HE FORGOT LAST YEAR TOO OMG!! and my mum had to tell him in the afternoon. He was so grumpy this morning and stuff because i didn't say goodmorning to him until he stared at me. well yes i have my reasons and saying goodmorning to him is just gay LOL. So yes no more birthday niceness to him, selfish man!
HOWEVER!! the day has improved from then with everyone remembering except the exception of three people LOl who i was with the whole morning. FUNNY I SAY.
but matters not since its hsc and we all have much more important things on our mind lOL.
Yerps. =D due to my friends my day has dramatically improved. aww awws lOl. AND HOW NICE OF JESS TO GIVE ME A HUG! when she never ever gives me a hug! hahas!
anyways we went to eat in celebration along with a slurpee because well i have no exams till friday so i thought i had the right to bludge to my hearts content. And really theres only so much maths you can do and i'm sure about 3-4 days is enough! honestly haha.
Anyways i guess that shall be it? YES YES? as you can tell my blogging has severely deteriorated because of the hsc. I just can't make social blogs anymore. haha.
Posted by Annie at 2:07 PM 6 comments
Labels: 18th birthday
Thursday, October 18, 2007
And ofcourse in true annie fashion i am blogging away.
and taking photos
i like it =D
What a way to start the day.
actually the day for me started like over two hours ago and i've been trying to memorize my story. Its not working all that well because yeah its so incredibly long and i won't be able to remember it all and write it all down anyways.
Plus my hand has been dying! it gets incredibly sore after writing one essay which can i say is absolutely pathetic! its been like this ever since the trials! =.=
I have also completely lost my appetite for all things yummy and most of the days i just try not to spend too much time eating as i could be studying hahas. Plus theres also nothing to eat so usually its random reheated food or instant noodles. Which can't be too good for you hmm.
The board of studies says that more than 5-6 hours study a day is unhealthy. Did anyone realize this was contradictory? they send us to school for 6 hours and expect us to do homework and other studying activities for a few more hours once we get home from our beloved school. So really its just a lie to attempt to make people stress less.
I am feeling quite indifferent right now, sometimes i feel slightly stressed then i think of myself in the english exam and i feel relaxed because i know my shit man!
Shall i mention i've been studying like crazy? i think i should.
Well i've been studying since 7.30 in the morning then taking about one hour break at around 11 or 12 then working for like around 2 more hours and then my motivation sorta dies by then. Then when the sun goes down well i'm pretty much done for the day.
So i've been doing past papers for maths and before i was getting in the 50s and now i'm getting high 70s to 80s and i'm quite happy. =D!!! it shows my studying is actually paying off. It has made my week i say!! now i need to improve for ancient and economics and then i can try and pull my marks up and hope for an 80 UAI instead of my destined 70's uai which is the most unappealing number ever. It has haunted me!! i've always been getting in the 70s and i have to say 70s is the most unattractive numbers! i know everyone agrees. its because its just below 80s which is a pretty number and which is below 90s which is a most attractive number. LOL
My eye is also incredibly itchy. O.o
My first exam is tomorrow, yes sirr-e!
And anita must stop stressing like a maniac ! it doesn't help the study!
I think i'm just blabbering now yes yes yesyeysye ...
I bet everyone is studying like crazy now!
So yerp thats pretty much been it for the last three weeks, i've been in hibernation, resembling that of a hermit.
Becoming paler by the day! HAHAS
Also my birthday shall be solemnly celebrated. (is that the right word?)
well in the end its during english paper two. SO I AM LIKE. =.= *continues writing essay* LOL
hahahha so if people forget well i don't blame you! even i might forget. damn why does 18th have to be during hsc! it sorta ruins the whole "WOO I AM FULLY LEGAL FOR EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING NOW" prospect. however its not really that big of a deal hahas.
i'll be offf now and i'm gonna go study i suppose!
GOODLUCK ALLL!!! THE ONES WHO HAVE IT TODAY AND THE REST WHO START TMR! we will do fine and we will scale up our marks!! RIGHT RIGHHT??? i'm counting on everyone to help me scale too!! LOLL
Posted by Annie at 9:33 AM 3 comments
Labels: hsc
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Studyweek, without pictures.
YEAH i've been studying all week! LIKE APESHIT.
which is a good thing!!
However i have no pictorial proof.
So on Tuesday hodo the dear frobro came over to help me with maths. And also study haha.
Since my house is so quiet, its literally more quiet than the state library.
So yeah she helped me with maths and then we got distracted and started watching doctor phil and oprah. And on oprah they were giving katrina victims houses and one lady kept screaming in this funny way so hodo and i kept imitating her and cracking up and then doing it again.
Then we went back to work and i mention to hodo how i have the new season of greys on my computer and in that instantaneous moment she went up and started watching it. However i decided to continue with my work. Then finished and joined her. Then after that went back down to study some more but noo hodo couldn't stay away from my computer!! she went back up and pretty much knows where all my files are on my computer and whats what!
Yerp then i walked her to the bus stop and she went home ! :O!
Then on wednesday i was happily studying around 9am and i get an sms from jess inviting me to the library to do some economics as her friend would help us. So yes i agree and some hours later - off to state library we go! First we ate lunch at MENYA! woo! jap restaurant. Then we walked down to state library. On the way jess kept screaming and hiding because there were moths everywhere. We were passing cotton on on george street and jess was staring into cotton on (because shes a shopaholic) then suddenly this moth flew into her face and she screamed and turned and the moth almost hit my face too!! SUCH A DISGUSTING MOTH. EWW. Then she stopped looking at shops because of the moths haha.
Anyways we got to state library and omg it was completely packed and we were so lost then jess's friend came and got us. And there was only one seat left!! SO we decided to squish in that one cubicle. Then jess's got a leg cramp! for no particular reason. And it was so scary, i didn't know what to do!! She almost cried and it was for so long!! at the beginning i thought it was like just abit sore and its just yeah ... because i have never witnessed anyone leg cramping. Then jess was all like *painful facial expressions* and i was like ohmy and got abit worried. However it finally stopped! poor jess!!
Then it was study time and i swear jess was just going hyper. She kept texting on her phone and i was like "read the sheet" and she reads one line and goes "BAHH" and puts her head on the table then gets up makes weird faces at me smiles then TOUCHES ME! =.= i was like err then repeats. LOL then i finally made her study by forcefully making her read as i was going to test her, i also took her phone away. Then she calmed down and studied! AND I WAS SO PROUD!!! she was saying how she is like that at home and i was like no wonder you never get any work done! FOHSHAME.
Afterwards when we were going home jess was limping because her leg was still sore and i was teasing her and i she couldn't even chase me to hit me LOL! IT WAS SO FUNNY!!
Kylie, jess, min and i were meant to go blacktown library to study for maths but then kylie couldn't come. Then jess was late!
So min and i walked down to the library (she the only person who lives close to me).
And when we got there IT WAS FULL!! it was like the whole asian population of blacktown was right there! so then we had no where to go. Then we found the kiddies area! and there were small stool things with one table and we decided to sit there. It was SOO UNCOMFY and next to us (on the same tiny ass table) were these other two HSC people studying biology and the guy HE WAS SO BLOODY ANNOYING!! he talked so loudly and was exclaiming how he was learning and stuff and then was playing on the girls phone saying he is gonna delete her msges and then reading them out. Talk about annoying.
Then jess was finally here so we went to pick her up from the station and then we ate lunch and returned to the library where we finally got work done. Then!!! the librarian comes and says min has to move because its 4 people per table and someone had moved the chair there and the librarian blamed it on us. So jess says lets go to my house and yes off to my house we go. My dad was home! but yeah we got studying done.
okay im too lazy to blog properly i'm just like blabbering on.
Posted by Annie at 2:53 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Beyond Boredom.
So due to my inability to study at night and also the fact that theres no one to talk to online. I HAVE REACHED THE UNKNOWN DEPTHS OF BOREDOM!!
It is sooo boring right now that its actually frustrating me and slightly hurting my brain.
I did about 5 IQ tests and some deemed me average and some said i am above average.
In the end its lower than what it used to be. I can no longer think as fast and some of the stuff is absolutely ridiculous.
So yes what have i been doing these last couple of days?
I have been studying!! YES DUNDUN!!!
around 3-4 hours a day. Which probably isn't enough as i feel i have alot of free time. STUDYING GETS SUPER BORING!! honestly
It gets to the point where your brain can't take it anymore and threatens to go mush on you!!
So yeah i've been hibernating and i swear i've become a shade lighter.
Today i tried to study outside as it was nice and warm but then the sunlight reflecting on my paper was abit blinding and the heat was singeing my skin!
SO yes back to hibernation!
Posted by Annie at 8:51 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
So yes i'm hibernating.
And studying! LOLSS
less than 3 weeks before the hsc!!
IT STILL HASN'T HIT!! im still getting over the whole graduating thing and now i must worry about the hsc!
Anyways i've been writing essays and my hand keeps dying after one essay! WHICH IS PATHETIC!! because i'm going to have to write three in a row for english!!
I swear my hand has never been the same since english trials!
So in the past 2 years sarah and i have taken loadsa photos especially in ancient history! of us being abit apeshit. Usually using her phone, it sorta stopped when her phone broke and she got this crappy one. But anyways they were fun times!!
so now i give you this giant collage (lame collage) of the funny photos we took!
i thought there was more but nope thats it!
wooooo go us!!!
anyways i haven't not blogged about saturday because i am still waiting on lil to give me photoos!! LOLLS
so i might not blog about it at all as its so long ago now and i cbb!
Anyways as you can see my blogging has dramatically deteriorated because of all this excessive studying making me slightly robotic and extremely boring.
Maths was quite the pain in the morning! i couldn't do such easy stuff and i felt so much shame!! I DISLIKE MATHHHS!!!
Okays i think my pasta is ready now so i shall be off and i might give an update a week later or something, just so everyone knows i'm still alive and haven't died during my hibernation.
Posted by Annie at 12:07 PM 7 comments