This week has been extremely psycho!
First we received our school photos, i look like a laughing pig. My braces/ teeth look HORRIFYING! its almost like a trap door! I also look extremely dark and my hair is stuffed! and this photo will be going in our yearbook! JUST WONDERFUL!! the time i look like a complete retard in school photos the whole school will see it! along with the rest of the grade! and when people are looking back they are gonna think of me as this laughing retarded pig! HOW AWESOME!! =.=
Then i receive two sets of school photos!! the photo people have really screwed it up or something. Because i got my photos and then the teacher called out my name again, much to my confusion!
so i have two sets of ugly laughing pig photos and two sets of whole grade muck up photos and normal photos! i love our muck up photo! IT IS THE BEST!
i shall scan it on the weekend. Maybe.
Then today in the afternoon we were walking into the station and i see yanny so i went along to talk to her and i turn back and see this girl almost kissing meliha (rebia's sister) and monica going "shes my cousin!" to the girl about to smack her face into meliha. Rebia also turned around when i did. We see the girl all the time and she loves talking about her pot smoking and alcoholism. Goes to some private school! Anyways she is swearing and what not and then suddenly she pushes meliha very hard! causing her to fall back abit. Then she walks towards my direction but rebia is infront of me and rebia being meliha's sister gets really angry and she pushes her and goes "don't touch her" or something. Her pushing of meliha it was uncalled for! and plus she was the one that was going so close to meliha! Then i don't know but she starts swearing and calling us names and then joins her friend who was standing away from us! not wanting to be involved. And they walk off.
It was the stupidest thing ever!
Because we see them and that girl is always calling us sluts or whatever whilst she is the one going around doing gosh knows what. She prances around the place flashing everyone in sight! In the end monica was SUPER PISSED OFF!
On a lighter note!
Today jasmine tied her hair up in her infamous bun! She was telling us about her modelling interview next week aswell. We named her bun, Bob and we said that when it wobbles its called bobby. So when she's on the catwalk and walking it would be bobby! LOLOL SO FUNNy
i have photos

First we received our school photos, i look like a laughing pig. My braces/ teeth look HORRIFYING! its almost like a trap door! I also look extremely dark and my hair is stuffed! and this photo will be going in our yearbook! JUST WONDERFUL!! the time i look like a complete retard in school photos the whole school will see it! along with the rest of the grade! and when people are looking back they are gonna think of me as this laughing retarded pig! HOW AWESOME!! =.=
Then i receive two sets of school photos!! the photo people have really screwed it up or something. Because i got my photos and then the teacher called out my name again, much to my confusion!
so i have two sets of ugly laughing pig photos and two sets of whole grade muck up photos and normal photos! i love our muck up photo! IT IS THE BEST!
i shall scan it on the weekend. Maybe.
Then today in the afternoon we were walking into the station and i see yanny so i went along to talk to her and i turn back and see this girl almost kissing meliha (rebia's sister) and monica going "shes my cousin!" to the girl about to smack her face into meliha. Rebia also turned around when i did. We see the girl all the time and she loves talking about her pot smoking and alcoholism. Goes to some private school! Anyways she is swearing and what not and then suddenly she pushes meliha very hard! causing her to fall back abit. Then she walks towards my direction but rebia is infront of me and rebia being meliha's sister gets really angry and she pushes her and goes "don't touch her" or something. Her pushing of meliha it was uncalled for! and plus she was the one that was going so close to meliha! Then i don't know but she starts swearing and calling us names and then joins her friend who was standing away from us! not wanting to be involved. And they walk off.
It was the stupidest thing ever!
Because we see them and that girl is always calling us sluts or whatever whilst she is the one going around doing gosh knows what. She prances around the place flashing everyone in sight! In the end monica was SUPER PISSED OFF!
On a lighter note!
Today jasmine tied her hair up in her infamous bun! She was telling us about her modelling interview next week aswell. We named her bun, Bob and we said that when it wobbles its called bobby. So when she's on the catwalk and walking it would be bobby! LOLOL SO FUNNy
i have photos
wtf w/ the pushing?
i never knew my bun loooked that tiny. :@
LOL i duno man the person is loser
haha yes ur bun so FUNNY
My photos look absolutely oh-my-good-god ugly too. HOW UNFAIR IS THAT!?
the ugliest photo ever taken of me is the one going into the bloody year book. ANNIE, WE MUST HAVE SOME PRETTY SHIT PHOTO-KARMA!
*runs off crying...*
yess i know its SOO UNFAIR!! but they said your photo was GOOOD except for one strand of hair!
photo karma! lolololol
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