Sunday, July 1, 2007


Today i went out to the city for a performance.

I am in a band as you all know, with brass instruments and such. And we were protesting outside market city about the 3 australian's who went to hong kong to protest the 10 year anniversary of hong kong becoming part of china again. They were abused and detained then shipped out of hong kong with no proper reason as to why. Just because they were going to protest.
tsktsk china! not allowing freedom to protest!!

So i forgot to take my camera and oh gosh, the amount of photographic moments!

There was this nice sunset and also!!

VERONICA AND JESSICA WERE THERE!! OHMYGOD!! they're holidaying here in Australia for about a month. HAHA!
used to live in australia but move to hong kong and now! here they are again
and im so shocked
jessica used to be so small and cute and you can swing her around and such cuz she was tiny too. But now shes 11 and shes as tall as me and it was so shocking!!!!

Veronica is still the same hahaha! POO!

So yes after much protest i was getting cramps in my legs for standing to long and when i moved again it was slightly painful.

I had KFC and maccas today, oh shame annie!! DOUBLE SHAME!!! I'll be rolling around my house tomorrow!

It has been a tiring day and i am currently stressed about english as one of my related texts can't fit into the theme of "gifts" or "generosity" because well, the person doesn't give anything. I need help! in finding related texts that relate to the themes of grief and gifts or generosity and also show how new experiences create growth and change in people.


ohgosh my dad has just started trumpeting, his trumpet is sooo dead, its beyond dead. Then he complains that is dead and it sounds so bad, "how am i to play with something like this?" and then he continues blowing into it. =.= sloow.

So anyways, it was a tiring day and i want to eat more grapes.
What more can i say. LOL



Anonymous said...

I feel like sweets but I don't know of which sort.

stupid periods-

making me want to eat like a ferocious dinosaur.


Annie said...

LOL TRISHY!! the ferocious dinosaur! HAHAHAH HOW FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

it doesnt have to be gifts or generosity...
i linked to conforming to society / courageous acts of indvidualism. .. sth along thsoe lines.. is that still right ? LOL cos Billy, Caitlin, Old Bill leaves a conforming world .... =\ pls reply me lol

Annie said...

as long as u can prove it!
i have changed my themes!