Yesterday my friend Josh was killed in a head on collision with a ute and a trailer.
He was only 18 and had so much life ahead of him. Only first year in uni!
ahhh im just so upset. Because i was going to see him today and we were going to collect our group assignment! omg. This is soo sudden and just depressing.
It is just going to be a chunk out of my life, like in the future at uni, i wont even see him anymore in classes that i would see him.
I really don't know what to say, i just remember all the fun times at uni, during marketing whenever we got free stuff, he would take a whole bunch and stuff it in his bag which was quite funny. We used to always go out and eat to and he was the only friend i had during the late night 6-8 law tutorials. He always talked about funny things and said funny things out loud during lectures that was absolutely hilarious!
All i know is that i will miss him.
I will miss you my friend.
Joshua Galbraith
04/12/1989 - 30/10/2008