Saturday, June 23, 2007


People miss my blogging.
so here i am today, to amuse and bemuse and make you procrastinate from your work which is sitting there, glaring at you.

It's been so dark and rainy for the past few weeks, rendering me unable to do my work!
I'm a bright sunshine person, i can only work during the day when the sun is shining through my window and giving my carpet skin cancer. I can't work at night as it makes me lazy and i get easily distracted.

However most people are night people, nocturnal i tell you!! i wish i was a night person, its better during school days and such.

Anyways! its finally and sunny bright day and i've been working all day!!
doing maths homework and maths assignment and reading abit about economics, taking out ancient notes and blinking at them, then pushing them to the side. I can't stand ancient!! its so boring, i no longer care about egypt and their stupid pharaohs who frankly led boring lives that mimicked the life of the pharaoh before them!

Economics isn't so bad now, its livable.

I was going to show everyone my new desktop theme and wallpaper but my net is slow now so, just too bad.

I need more ideas for art!!! i am completely out of ideas! except those ones that involve the countryside. Which are things that are totally not doable. I mean who here owns a hectare of sunflowers? anyone? didn't think so. I also need a fishtank or some clear plastic/glass thing that can hold water. I think its more plausible this one.

Hmm, its around 2 now, this is when my productivity starts to fade and i start to slack off and surf the net or something.

Well i plan to watch shrek 2 after this, its an impulse thing, i just felt like watching it!!

I hope hodo is happy that i did work today! and maybe i won't be beaten with a stick by her and trisha if i do better than them in the hsc!

Orighty, i'll try and blog more often, but things have to happen first!!



Anonymous said...

Annies, I'm sick of maths for today, but I must keep going because I want the bloody task out of the way...

I have a sore back from hunching. This is what happens when all your friends are shorter than you...

okay hodan said...

stop calling me frobro.
and good job for doing your work.
and stop talking about the killing of you, now if we do kill you, they'll know who did it.

Annie said...

trish: i know!
i too want to finish the stupid maths ass! hahaha. Your sore back happens when rebia and her MOTOR MOUTH keep going and going and going and shes super short haha!

frobro: u know u love the name!!
well i wanted to help prepare people for such a dramatic loss!! - aka me.

Anonymous said...

yay!! you blogged after like one week??

Hope the sun comes back out tomorrow and annie shall be happy~~~

it's the last week of school and we shall enjoy it okay?? =D

Annie said...

lol i knew u were waiting !!
i hope the sun is out tooo!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Annie!! You seem very busy! I mean you haven't blogged for ages. =/

Well Good luck with your work!

Being nocturnal ain't good. I mean you start transforming into an owl and develop owl eyes. =O LOL

Art?? What are you suppose to be painting?

Annie said...

yes hello!
i'm meant to be busy
but i find myself bludging alot and staring at my work without doing any of it! LOLS
yes being nocturnal aint so great! and since we are asian ... we become pandas LOL!

i dont paint haha
i'm doing photography!