Saturday, June 30, 2007


note: long, ranty, agroblog.

I'm going to join on the bandwagon and whine and bitch about my miserable life and these holidays which i will be traveling to the land of books and lined paper.

So yes, i want to be a graphics designer but i can't freaking design anything!!
Maybe we should all just be accountants. We can count beans all days and follow textbooks, no need for creativity! just a calculator and fast fingers!

Year 12 is such a nightmare, i can't even properly bludge anymore. Everytime i'm not doing anything i get stressed and feel the need to take something out and place it on the table to seem like i'm doing something but then i'll know i'm not doing anything so then i'll stress some more and the vicious cycle continues!!

I feel like i'm going to be one of those labourers because at the rate i'm going, i seem to be doing bad at everything.

This is such a tragic year.

The only time i'm not stressing is probably when i'm eating ultra fatty foods, only because i'd be worrying about my excessive fat consumption instead of work. Even when i sleep i have stressful dreams!

Trials are coming and if i do bad for them, then please someone hire me! i'll clean your car!

Everyday after school i rush to get home because i know i have so much work to do. After school, if there is any moment of silence i think "oh going home!" then i remember the work load i have and, ta-da! instant stress.

I have been breaking down soo much!! it doesn't stop!

These holidays i have assignments to do which all just "conveniently" happen to be due in the same week!!!! week 2.


Everyone seems to be doing so well, but i! yes always me! have to be doing so tragically in everything and my report, oh my. It was as if someone snuck some TNT into my life and when i opened the report *BOOM* it set if off and my life was over.


And also my photography! i seem to only have 2 decent photos, i say not enough!!!


and my mum wants me to do housework but i say i can't because i have work then she got pissed and said i was being lazy and hanged up on me. Then i ended up doing it because ... well because!! I JUST DO THAT!

And my dad he is the best imitation of a rock i have ever seen, he just sits there like some fat boulder in front of his computer. He won't do anything, he just refuses to, he has all this time and he doesn't do anything while i am trying to study and do everything and also do all this unnecessary housework which my parents have claimed are my responsibility, like i am this housemaid.

The other day i forgot to wipe the table because why? because i was too busy stressing about school. And my dad wouldn't shutup about it and i was like "oh" because i had seriously thought i wiped it and then he kept complaining about how i won't admit to the fact i didn't wipe the table, it was asif i had murdered someone and i wouldn't admit it and then he told my mum and was like "SHE WON'T ADMIT IT" its like i don't freaking care, i was ready to shove my maths book up his nostril.

Plus while we were eating he kept half eating his tofu and putting it back onto the plate which had sauce in it, which is freaking disgusting. Then i made hot chips and i had sauce out on a small bowl because my parents don't like it when the sauce is on top so i decide to put it on a bowl to make it better for them. ANd my dad he dips his spring roll into the sauce and takes a bite then double dips it into the bowl of sauce. And some of the half eaten insides of the spring roll come out and go into the sauce, it is also a flaky spring roll so the flakes on it fall in too and it is so disgusting and he was like "oh" so i tried to avoid that corner of the bowl and i told him that its rude and disgusting to double dip. Once again he "oh"s and he gets another spring roll and rolls the whole thing into it, side to side and this makes the contaminated part with the inside of the spring roll mix with the fresh sauce. I WAS SOO ANNOYED but i couldn't do anything because he is one of those agro retard asian males who likes to use violence. Then when he went i washed all the sauce out and poured new sauce.

AHHH things like that piss me off because he smells and his breath smells even worse and its just disgusting and inconsiderate of others.

Now i'm just ranting about stupid things.

Also my dad is still unemployed, for what? 3 months now. It produces further stress on me because it means he is home 24/7, grunting and snorting and spreading his bad odor.

And also what annoys me is people who chuck fits over nothing, 2 happened this week but i am only referring to one of them because the stupidity of it was just too much. So much that it makes me want to laugh and fall out of my chair everytime i think about it.

I think i am much calmer now. hmm

I am trying to design something on paper hmmm. Then i'll scan it and trace it on photoshop and then i want peoples opinions so stay tuned!

I'll be blogging more than once a week these holidays.

Btw i love the sunlight. YAY i<3 Sun.

<33 from the -
much stressed annie the imploding mean asian girl who doesn't like random crap in her dipping sauce. Who has been up since 7.30 this morning and hasn't eaten yet.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


People miss my blogging.
so here i am today, to amuse and bemuse and make you procrastinate from your work which is sitting there, glaring at you.

It's been so dark and rainy for the past few weeks, rendering me unable to do my work!
I'm a bright sunshine person, i can only work during the day when the sun is shining through my window and giving my carpet skin cancer. I can't work at night as it makes me lazy and i get easily distracted.

However most people are night people, nocturnal i tell you!! i wish i was a night person, its better during school days and such.

Anyways! its finally and sunny bright day and i've been working all day!!
doing maths homework and maths assignment and reading abit about economics, taking out ancient notes and blinking at them, then pushing them to the side. I can't stand ancient!! its so boring, i no longer care about egypt and their stupid pharaohs who frankly led boring lives that mimicked the life of the pharaoh before them!

Economics isn't so bad now, its livable.

I was going to show everyone my new desktop theme and wallpaper but my net is slow now so, just too bad.

I need more ideas for art!!! i am completely out of ideas! except those ones that involve the countryside. Which are things that are totally not doable. I mean who here owns a hectare of sunflowers? anyone? didn't think so. I also need a fishtank or some clear plastic/glass thing that can hold water. I think its more plausible this one.

Hmm, its around 2 now, this is when my productivity starts to fade and i start to slack off and surf the net or something.

Well i plan to watch shrek 2 after this, its an impulse thing, i just felt like watching it!!

I hope hodo is happy that i did work today! and maybe i won't be beaten with a stick by her and trisha if i do better than them in the hsc!

Orighty, i'll try and blog more often, but things have to happen first!!


Saturday, June 16, 2007

lets try and be interesting.

Yes, lets.

So whats been happening lately? once again nothing really.

Hodan's birthday was yesterday and oh what a jolly day it was.

My glasses fogged up 3 times! like instant fog ups, not those stupid in shower fog ups and no i don't wear my glasses in the shower it just sits on the sink.

Well in the morning i got on the bus and da-da! my glasses instantly fogged up! the reason was because the bus was SOOO HOT inside and it was SOOO COLD! out side. And well yes the dramatic temperature change. I know the science behind it but i'm not going to bore you out.

Anyways it was really hot inside the bus and i almost suffered a claustrophobic attack after a while because it was really starting to get to me. The bus driver seems all fine about it, like he was baking inside an oven and he didn't even know it!

Anyways i also dropped my phone ... some three metres!

I was in front of the senior study which is on the second story with like a balcony looking out to the art block downstairs. Anyways i was just walking and holding my phone with my wallet and my camera so i guess my grip on the phone wasn't tight enough or something because when i turned around my phone just sprung out of my hand a flew inbetween the railings of the balcony and down 3 metres into the art quad/block thing. Near the tree. I swear everything went in slow motion, it was like the matrix without all the violence and sex. It fell, jumped around, slit and then flipped open. But all is fine everyone! because the phone is still alive! and i am still in shock at the fact it is still alive!

Then i went into the senior study and TA-DA! my glasses fogged up again! the senior study is always very hot because being students we too are unknowingly baking ourselves to death. Then i decided to heat up my noodles and when it finished heating i opened the microwave and *POOOF* my glasses was fogged once again! i'm telling you, it was so amusing. I thought i died or something because all i saw was white! i was like OHMY! LOL. i'm just kidding.

I shall bet myself $5 that no-one is actually reading.
I think i'll collect my winnings now because i'm sure i'm right!! LOL

here is a spiderman signature i made that I LOVE!! and a picture i drew of a friend LOL mhmm

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tis KEVVV!! haha i like it cuz it looks cutee!
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WOOO i LIKE IT CUS i've never made something that looks this good =)!
im proud!!


Monday, June 11, 2007


I just can't be bothered to blog lately. Plus no-one has been reading
so yes i've just been like *dead*
But then its mainly because of all the work i have now.
Year 12 is really starting to affect my leisure time. LOLOLOL!
and i think everyone else's too. RIGHT?

Today it is finally SUNNY! i haven't seen the sun for so long now! around half a week?

It kept raining like crazy! and like 9 people have died from all the storms and rains, poor people, they were killed by rain.
Whats more stupid is like our stupid dam has only been getting a little bit of water compared to the floods and stuff at the hunter valley and everywhere! Some parts of our dam haven't even been rained on.

I think that the quad of our school should be turned into a dam! LOL!
i mean it always floods up and all that water is sooo unused! it just goes into the drain which happens to be in the middle of the quad. Maybe the school should put a water tank there and then RE-USE the water for flushing and what not. Now i'm probably thinking abit too environmental but we are still in a water crises despite not seeing the sun for days and turning one shade lighter and slightly wrinkly from all the water. LOL!

Oh whats sad is this car was driving across a bridge on the PACIFIC HIGHWAY! and it collapsed while they were on it and the whole car was completely squished and everyone died. Mother, father and two kids! ISN'T THAT SO SAD? poor family!! And now theres this giant hole in the bridge and underneath is this squashed silver car. Tsktsk i can't believe it just fell! and this is the pacific highway! hellooo!!

Oright i must get back to my ancient speech which is boring me out because all i'm doing is recalling the fact that the pharaohs went on campaigns to other places and took over them and then build themselves buildings and temples to honour themselves for taking over other peoples lands. oh and marrying their mothers and sisters. ewww.


Thursday, June 7, 2007

yes i am still here!

sorry for the complete inactivity!

but i had lots of economics studying to do!

Anyways i also finished off this drawing i was doing on photoshop. It took .... FOREVERR!!!
i wish i had a tablet. which is one of those pens you stick into the computer with the pad to draw with! I have one but it doesn't have pressure sensors so its pretty much like a normal mouse. The pressure sensors would be able to make the colouring on photoshop like the colouring you do in life ... darker then lighter etc. It makes everything blend more! but alas tablets are expensive haha!

Yes i am proud of my work. While others would be like WTH IS THAT? GAY!!
Its not as good as the ones you see on deviantart and such because damn those are true masterpeices ... but for now this is all i can manage! OKAY?

Anyways today we received our english marks back from our english assessment and ohhh annie is oh so proud! I GOT 14/15!!!
sorry for such egotism but i have never gotten such a good mark before ... you know why? its because its above 90%! and i have never gotten that!
Anyways i hope i get good for economics because i studied rather hard for it! i mean i didn't even come online!
I hope all is proud!

Today was such a disgusting day! i am disgusted! i dislike rainy weather, especially if its pouring!
I do however that all our suffering was worth something and some water went into the dam!

picture and i shall be off.

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see no watermark because ... well no one would steal something like this! LOL its crap!

anyways maybe blog sometime ... don't know when!


Saturday, June 2, 2007


lately i've gotten this habit of rhyming things then adding a "-" in between them. i don't know why. And i bet the title doesn't even rhyme properly but SHH!

so yes here are some nice ol' photos from athletics. lol since i haven't posted any NICE photos lately.

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i told u i liked this photo. LOL damn noise! at the top!

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can someone say ... MURDER? lol

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dodo, ohhhhh DODO!!! LOL has suddenly got white eyelashes! AHHAHA and a glowing ring around her eye! this is NOT a photo-manipulation! i promise haha

anyways you are probably wondering what made athletics carnival oh-so-fun. Well the fact we went around crazy doing everything made it obviously fun. We went into races with the purpose to not compete but to do whatever! LOL ... we started cartwheeling and fighting with our lightsabers mid race. Also we ran backwards! HAHAH then the best was getting on the floor and rolling to the finish line! HAHHAHA. "ready, set, ROLLL!" In the end it was oh-so-fun.

So yes.

enjoy ze photos
