So this morning we had to attend a careers market expo or something. It was very fun!
Trisha, hodo, zohour and i went around grabbing all the free stuff we could! LOLS. Our first lap was very serious and we went around taking all the necessary stuff about the courses we want. Then after the first lap there was still so much time left so we decided to go around and take all the free stuff we could find! and boy were there lots, highlighters, pens, bags, lollies, keyrings, even this toy cube thing! LOL. In the end we made everyone quite envious. Then during one of our rounds sarah decided to join us as her little groupie was boring her out and too busy enrolling themselves into some modeling thing LOL ahem jess and jas. Jess had lollies and she asked us "do u want a lollie?" and jas and i both said "KISS A DOLLY!" and then jess said "KISS MY DOLLY! and pointed to jas. I was like .. eww i don't wanna kiss jas! LOL and then lillian wanted a lollie and she goes "OKAY" and then they did some hug thing and she got a lollie then kylie wanted one and jess said "kiss my dolly!" and kylie went "OKAY!!!!" and went up to jas but then jas screamed and ran away. LOL in the end jess gave me a lollie anyways! LOLOL
Then finally at 10am. LOL yes early. It was time to go!
So yes we started to regret taking everything in sight as our bags were quite heavy by then and we had to walk from burwood all the way back to school! but it actually wasn't that bad considering we were too busy talking and laughing, oh and avoiding getting run over. Then sarah and jess snuck into plaza to get easyway! TSKTSK KIDS!
When we got to school we were rushed off to english! we couldn't even have a break, oh gosh the hunger. In english we once again watched strictly ballroom, seriously its all we do these days. LOL. Then the bell went. so on so on.
Next was ancient history, in which julia jigged, claiming she was SICK. ahemahem.
While everyone else just went through the manymanymany pamphlets and booklets we got in the morning. i also found out that the course i wanna do, visual communication at UTS has risen from a UAI of 86.05 to now 90.04!! HOW HORRID IS THAT? at least in the 80's it was somewhat possibly achievable but now at 90, i have no hope. I shall just sit in a hole and die! LOL. But i have found that there is Media and communications at UNSW at only 83!! *excitment* LOL.
Then last was economics and everyone was too lazy to work haha. So the teacher got us to do this fill in spaces worksheet. Where we filled in the words of some ministers speech about the economy. It was so hard! the teacher said "well i thought you could do this stuff!" and i said ... "no one fills in the spaces for a SPEECH!" LOL.
Then we all went home and all was jolly, like a lolly, but no dolly. photos.
i like this because of the vivid COLOUURS!! (why is this even first =.=)
jess and jas! lol
jas and i! LOl
sarah and jess! lol
me and trisha!
our back colour flicky thing haha
monica posing like those USYD and UNSW pamphlets and booklets!
AND AGAIN!! LOLOL. Isn't it so alike the booklets?
monica acting like a chicken! lOL stupid camera strap!
trisha getting a tattoo .. LOLOL ..
manasi being a MAN and laughing way to much
mani touching herself. LOL
look at rebia and her LAW booklet!
the USYD tattoo on my arm haha
line of stratty girls LOL
I DONT LIKE THE PICS WITH ME IN THEM. U_U" buh yeahh . WANT A LOLLY?! hahah i have none left. T_T" MORE shopping on MONDAY. hahaha. damnit i need MONEY. GIVE ME MONEY. hahaha. i cant decide wht to wear. what do you suggest?!. SHRUGS* issert cold or not?!. man i have no idea. and iim not gonna take PHOTOS! LOL. blerhhh. annie you STINK liike *sai* LOL!!. hahahahahha . ohkay i go now. >=D
HAHAHAS THERES TWO and in one ur face is blurry! I ALSO HAVE NO LOLLIES LEFT! oh gosh lollie addict. haha i cannot give u money when i don't even have money myself! LOLs. umm im cold i think cuz im wearing jacket LOLs.
Today was funness. But very, extremely, unbelievably exhausting.
hahaha yes it was FUNFUNFUN! haha
im not tired yet haha
oOoo~ Nice photos wahahaas. & The one with the tattoo on your arm .. it looks nice O_O" How come it's so .. shiny & glittery? LOL
hahhas. I don't know? haha i shone the natural sunlight onto it HAHHA
lol.. -o-''
my pimple is growing.
thats great jas .... LOLOL
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