When i say long time no blog i mean LONNNGGG TIME.
it has been ages!
Sorry people but uni is really taking up all of my time!
and also i've just lost my creativity! i no longer feel like taking photos or blogging or anything fun. I just .. yeah! I'VE JUST BECOME A BORING PERSON!! :O!! say it aint so. LOL
Well i have taken photos today .. because i'm trying to revive my creative side. Breathe some life into it and get it moving again.
I'm really hungry right now ... but theres nothing to eat! as usual. How sad.
well! lets get to the photos!

it has been ages!
Sorry people but uni is really taking up all of my time!
and also i've just lost my creativity! i no longer feel like taking photos or blogging or anything fun. I just .. yeah! I'VE JUST BECOME A BORING PERSON!! :O!! say it aint so. LOL
Well i have taken photos today .. because i'm trying to revive my creative side. Breathe some life into it and get it moving again.
I'm really hungry right now ... but theres nothing to eat! as usual. How sad.
well! lets get to the photos!
What is in my bag! hahaha .. yesterday when i went to the library. It is inspired by those "whats in my bag" photos on flickr.. which might i say ARE EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE TO LOOK AT! and i have found the majority of them i have looked at have ipods. and also macbooks! i didn't know macbooks were that popular! theres only a select few which i haven't seen an ipod in and in those ones .. theres usually this note at the bottom saying their ipod died or something.
Yes i had to do accounting work yesterday. Sad indeed. well im pretty sure you know what everything there is. haha
Yes i had to do accounting work yesterday. Sad indeed. well im pretty sure you know what everything there is. haha
this photo is inspired by jess's stalker. Well apparently she has a stalker who stares at her house... its VERY SCARY!!
but yeah .... i couldn't get to sleep last night because i kept thinking of a creepy stalker .... LOL
Oright thats all for today and hopefully more to come? WELL IM REALLY HOPING! because i want my creativity back!! i miss it =(
but yeah .... i couldn't get to sleep last night because i kept thinking of a creepy stalker .... LOL
Oright thats all for today and hopefully more to come? WELL IM REALLY HOPING! because i want my creativity back!! i miss it =(