so yes melbourne was quite boring, i mean majority of the time it was POURING RAIN! AS IF THE CLOUDS WERE SUFFERING DIARRHEA ! oh gosh.
Well we set off at 8.30 Pm on friday night by coach! horhor. I sat next to cherry as alison might've been too annoying and since she wanted to sit next to josephine anyways! HAHA. The coach ride was quite boring =.= there wasn't much to do but oh well, the driver had so much V with him! like omg. And its so weird he drinks all of it and like he doesn't need to stop for like 5 hours!! i don't understand! whilst other people on the coach claimed they were busting to go to pee though they didn't drink much.
We got there early! LIKE SUPER EARLY! at 7.30! when we were destined to get there at 8.30 but never the less, its not like i was getting any sleep on the bus anyways! it was so uncomfortable. Then someone said the parade started at 10.00 so we were like oh ok we shall just bludge until then but then someone else said it starts at 12! in the end it started at 12 so there was alot of time to waste. The morning was so clear and half sunny but all in all neutral weather. But then after 12 it started getting really cold and we were standing there playing and freezing. Then they said the parade started at 1pm! so u could go eat and come back! but it was like 12.30 already! so we just bummed around some more, so much bumming being done! We went to swatch because cherry wanted to look at watches, but now i want a watch from swatch! supposedly sydney doesn't have a swatch!
At 1 we came back and we stood there waiting for the police escorts. Then we started and it was so cool because we got to stop trams!! yes the trams had to wait for us and there were so many trams! they are like everywhere. Its like for every cab you saw you also saw a tram. Anyways during our parade it started raining! but we just continued because it wasn't pouring and we hadn't showered yet, you know, free showers are very cool. =.=. So yes when we finished the parade it was 3! yes the parade took two hours, we just roamed around almost every street in melbourne! we went through their empty chinatown, unlike sydney chinatown they only have a few random people walking through, its because the road is really ugly, theres not even a proper footpath thing. And the restraunts there were like closed to, what can i say its not like a chinatown at all.
Well after the parade everyone was so relieved because we thought we were able to go now but no we weren't!! we had to wait for the speeches, in the (by now) pouring rain. Everyone had to wait, there were banner holders and this waist drum group that my mum is in and we all had to wait in the rain except the banner holders and waist drum group all got raincoat poncho things! and we were the only group without it! so we were absolutely freezing and when the speaker said "we have quite alot of speeches today" everyone slumped in defeat, because our hats were already dripping wet, literally! it kept dripping on my shoe, which had filled with water and looked somewhat like a whale and my socks were drowning and my feet were becoming wrinklier by the second, same with my hands. My poor instrument was like dying! but it was very clean but still dying! the clarinet people tried to cover their clarinets because the corks suck the water in! LOL. But then their shirts got drenched too, so yes their efforts were in vain.
Anyways after like another 15minutes our band leader sort of guy went and talked to someone and yeah he came back and told us after this woman finished her speech we were able to go! everyone was like "YESSSSSSS".
But by then everything was wet, my hair was like dripping wet and the shirt inside my band shirt was wet too so yeah i had to sort of wait for it to dry before putting my jacket on.
After that we ate and i bought socks! LOL!! then more bumming ! we saw these nice bags at chanel! but yeah can't afford chanel.
Then the bus came to pick us up at 5.30 yerp. On our stop there were these GIANT MOTHS! i mean GIANT!! i forgot to take a photo because i was too busy trying to run away from them (even though they weren't even moving). They were the size of ur finger! and they were shaped like little logs. So they pretty much resembled your finger if you were to dye it grey and give it white highlights. When we started driving again those moths kept splatting onto the windscreen of the coach! much to our amusement haha. They plummet to their deaths and we go "WHOAA". Then we fell asleep, in the morning when we arrived in sydney around 5 am! there was one stuck on the netty part of the windscreen and when i showed alison she let out a very loud "WHOOAAA" that probably woke half the bus up! LOL.
Anyways there were SO MANY GOOD PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES during saturdays sunrise but they weren't on the side i was sitting on so yeah i had to bite my tongue while the opportunities flew by. There was one when we were going over the bridge into the city and you could see the city and there was a haze over it and it looked so so awesome but no i couldn't get the photo, plus the bus kept moving!! LOL

super ugly dog, look how big it is! and u can't see the tummy here but it was so THIN.

alison pigging out on her burger! LOL

josephine lOL

cherry with this random bunch of hair on her face lOL

at night at some random place?
don't u recon it looks like a painting?

lame attempt at getting photo of highway haha

in swatch

crossing people .. LOOL


more lame attempts.